Antville Project

Friday, 13. July 2001

where to go with antville, pt.2

first of all, sorry for not posting for so long. stressy times and a lot of other jobs ... regarding the direction antville: i see antville basically as a framework (or, in german words, as a "lego-baukasten") for (weblog-)publishing. there is one basic principle that anville has to follow: "ease of use". because i see antville as a framework, i don't think it makes any sense to decide now if antville is going to be a system for personal weblogs or for project weblogs or whatever (i'm just hoping that people will start to play with it and "abuse" it until it fits to their needs). i don't see antville replacing the (at least in its first version(s)), the approach of both is much too different.

antville is a bucket of content: text, images, sounds (or other binaries). so the first step of antville has to provide an EASY WAY to create those contents, to manage and structure them and to display them according to your imagination (either dynamically or as static html-pages ftp'd to another server). on the other hand, it's critical that visitors get a good overview what changed where, what changed somewhere since their last visit, commenting is easy (and not that confusing like it is now) ...

since antville has to be more than a host-system for a bunch of isolated "content-ghettos", it really has to have some intelligent ways of linking those logs together (by exchanging headlines or whole stories, designs (including images and stuff) ...). and since nothing keeps you away from downloading helma yourself, installing antville and starting to play with it, these features must work also between antville-installations on other machines.

i strongly believe that there are ways to implement functionalities needed for a real projectlog-system into antville, but i think antville needs a flexible structure (including database, prototypes and code) first. and since antville itsself needs a project weblog, i'd say this could be version 2.

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July 2001
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