Antville Project

Friday, 20. July 2001

next steps

many thanks to michi, antville got a recently modified-list. now this is done, i'd like to propose a list of whats next (as soon as there are sections available in antville this would go to the section "todo" ;-):

  1. as soon as hannes finishes dbmapping inheritance in helma migrate the db-tables "story" and "comment" to a new table named "text"
  2. authors should be able to define who is allowed to edit a story they created: only admins/admins and contributors/all registered users/only themselves (=default). for comments i'd propose we keep the present way: admins are allowed to delete comments, but editing is only allowed for the authors of comments.
  3. sections - admins should be able to define sections for their weblog which will appear as [weblog]/[section] with their own overview-page. authors should be able to choose if their story should also be placed in a section or just appear in the default-storypool (as it is now). this should be done with a section-editor and a dropdown-box in story-editor. it should also go hand-in-hand with a set of macros (i.e. "sectionlist") and maybe some changes in the link-macro to provide easy linking to sections ...
  4. implement shortcuts for stories. shortcuts should be defined in story-editor to provide easy linking without remembering the creation-date/section of a story. one question is how the url of those stories should look like: [weblog][story-shortcut]?
  5. weblogs should be accessible with an url like [weblog-alias] (i assume this also means some changes/added functionality in helma, right?)
  6. story-manager: should provide a listing of all stories with their basic parameters (title, which section, when created, who created it ...) and a basic set of actions: edit/set off- or online/delete. the basic view of the weblog for admins/contributors should be the normal users-view. instead of navigating with a calendar this storymanager should ev. provide a scroll-navigation (next 10/prev. 10).
  7. create a "goodie"-manager similar to the image manager to be able to upload binaries (sounds, pdf-files etc.) and to link them in stories/comments
so, what ya think about? anything missing (of course there is, but this is just to fulfill the basic requirements ...)?

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July 2001
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