Antville Project

Friday, 27. July 2001

instead of a story manager

how about this? you replace the date of a story that is not online with a big bold text saying "THIS STORY IS NOT ONLINE AND CAN ONLY BE READ BY THE OWNER AND THE ADMIN" or something like this.

i mentioned it before on our site in german, i think the admin should be able to edit and delete stories (and not only comments) written by others. this is essential if i plan something more than one person's weblog. interestingly, manila chooses the complete opposite idea. once a story is approved and posted to the main page it cannot be edited by the normal user, only by the admins. although i've always hated this, it makes sense to prevent people writing bs.

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I just added a "recently updated weblogs" macro to this site's frontpage. That's because with the new site name convention, it's become a bit hard to navigate back to the main antville site (should we include a link in the default weblog layout?)

The code for this is quite easy, all you have to do is say this somewhere in your skins or stories: <% root.webloglist %>

Gotta love these macros!

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July 2001
zfuture's house here is zfuture's
by zfuture (7/31/03, 2:59 AM)
i understand your concerns however,
i hardly can think of a solution. certainly, if the...
by tobi (7/29/03, 9:47 AM)
Found several more similar sites
listed This is getting to be quite a concern to...
by cobalt123 (7/27/03, 7:56 PM)
Second Post Alert on Referrer
bug livecatz I put this into "help" and now here:...
by cobalt123 (7/26/03, 7:14 PM)
well it's not easy to
find from here, anyway. think we should include a link,...
by tobi (7/24/03, 11:25 AM)
So finally I found
the helma Bugzilla - stupid me.
by mdornseif (7/24/03, 10:28 AM)
clock not that it's particularly
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by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:25 PM)
but isn't can't really
be rated as spam can it?
by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:08 PM)
More referrer spam
by Irene (7/23/03, 7:55 PM)
How to log skin names
I accessed to console?? Hi, I would like to know...
by winson (7/23/03, 4:12 PM)

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