Antville Project

Thursday, 18. October 2001

Playing around...

... trying the "logo" macro mentioned on Sept. 6th.

Tried logo & this.logo & weblog.logo & root.logo, but always get the "hop macro error.... has not been defined..." am i doing something wrong or has this never been implemented?

I think it would be great to give all those who somehow "stumble" over a page in antville a way to find out more about it...

link (5 comments

New server

Just thought I'd post an image of the new server which will soon serve before it goes out to the ISP tomorrow. By our calculation, it should be powerful enough to run antville well beyond the year 2007. It will take two more weeks or so until we actually do the switch. We'll then update to the newest version, remove the warning on the frontpage and you'll have to redo your templates ;-).

Thanks to our great mysterious sponsor!

Actually It would be funny to do a Blogger-new-server kind of foto with everybody doing thumbs-up and wide grin. Anybody got the URL of that picture?

new antville server

link (2 comments

The Antville Server Fund has been a great success. Thanks to everybody who contributed!
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October 2001
zfuture's house here is zfuture's
by zfuture (7/31/03, 2:59 AM)
i understand your concerns however,
i hardly can think of a solution. certainly, if the...
by tobi (7/29/03, 9:47 AM)
Found several more similar sites
listed This is getting to be quite a concern to...
by cobalt123 (7/27/03, 7:56 PM)
Second Post Alert on Referrer
bug livecatz I put this into "help" and now here:...
by cobalt123 (7/26/03, 7:14 PM)
well it's not easy to
find from here, anyway. think we should include a link,...
by tobi (7/24/03, 11:25 AM)
So finally I found
the helma Bugzilla - stupid me.
by mdornseif (7/24/03, 10:28 AM)
clock not that it's particularly
earthshattering but the antclock is running slow by about 15...
by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:25 PM)
but isn't can't really
be rated as spam can it?
by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:08 PM)
More referrer spam
by Irene (7/23/03, 7:55 PM)
How to log skin names
I accessed to console?? Hi, I would like to know...
by winson (7/23/03, 4:12 PM)

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