Antville Project

Friday, 7. December 2001

Some proposed changes to Antville

Here's some minor things that I find strange, awkward or wrong in Antville. This is mainly directed towards Robert since he is the maintainer of the code, but of course everybody else is welcome to chime in and let us know his/her opinion. My points are against the current version of the code as running on, not the old version running here on

  1. Birthdate editor in the preferences page. Not sure what purpose this has. If it is the creation date of the weblog, why make it editable?
  2. No single point to set small fonts. The current font setting makes small fonts unreadable on Mac and Linux. To set the fonts, you have to edit all over the stylesheet skin. There should be one setting for small fonts in the preferences (like for title and text fonts), which should in turn be used in the stylesheet skin.
  3. users should be able to create story and edit story tasks without going to the story manager. This includes that after performing the tasks, they should be redirected to the edited story's main view, not the story manager.
  4. Location should be settable by selecting a country or language name from a menu list, e.g. "France", "Germany", or "French", "German", instead of having to enter ISO codes for country and language ("DE", "de").
  5. When creating a new story, the "is online" check box should be switched on by default.
  6. Stories should have a "link me" (permalink) link in the default skin. Right now, stories without comments are not linkable except through the "recently modified" box.
  7. The content of the weblog/header skin should be directly included in the weblog/page skin.
  8. All admin pages should use the weblog/page skin if possible (that would probably be all except the actual skin editor pages)
  9. The "save" and "cancel" buttons should be reversed, i.e. "save" should be the first button, and "cancel" the second instead of the other way round.

That's all for now ;-) Comments?

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December 2001
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i understand your concerns however,
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How to log skin names
I accessed to console?? Hi, I would like to know...
by winson (7/23/03, 4:12 PM)

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