Antville Project

Tuesday, 26. March 2002

date manipulation / search engine / story preview

hi, i have three questions/suggestions:

  1. is it possible to change the creation and modification dates/times of stories? you know, just a little manipulation of the own blog's history... but seriously: each time i correct some wrong spelling or so in an old entry, it jumps on no.1 of the recently modified charts.
  2. what about an (additional or combined) search engine which searches all antville blogs instead of only one? i'd love that, and it would stress the community aspect of antville, make it more permeable.
  3. is it possible to create something like a story preview page, e.g. in a similar design as the "storypool" (title, a few text-lines, maybe the topic and a ">read the full story"-link)? accessable for all readers, without the edit, delete etc. buttons? this would be fine for people with a long back catalog.

please don't get me wrong, i know it's very easy to suggest a little extra work if it has to be done by others (especially if you're a code illiterate as i am), but maybe you like one of these ideas, and maybe some of these things are even possible right now and i just didn't get it.

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same story in multiple topics ??

is there a way to do this ?? am i missing something here ??

can i upload .js / .css / java applets as goodies and use them ?

Thanks in advance.

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Multiple blogs.

suppose I want to run multiple blogs on the same page : say, I want to have a main blog and stories/sites that caught my eye on the right side, how do you acheive this ??

by the by, you guys rock .. keep up the good work. /.\ n a n d.

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startseite antville

hallo leute. Eure startseite eignet sich wunderbar, um andere logs einzusehen und mitzumachen.

doch leider nehmen die privaten zu. kann man die nicht weg mobben oder von der startseite verbannen, weil da darf eh keiner dran! nervt.

die versperren auch den platz für andere seiten, die schon unten rausgefallen sind.

vorschlag? unten button drunter - umschalten auf privat log liste. und die privaten von der ersten seite weg!

erweiterung der liste auf 50. weil es werden immer mehr und man fällt schon raus, wenn man nix in den letzten 3h verändert hat...

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today was a boring day....

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March 2002
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