Antville Project

Thursday, 28. March 2002

bug detector

just a hint: sometimes when i have finished and saved a story, it gets duplicated in some mysterious manner, and the replica appears in the comments (also listet instantly in the recent modified box). strange.

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edit sidebar

i mentioned before, that i want to be able to exclude stories from the recent mods. here is my offer: i implement it, but you tell me the macro syntax. my suggestion is <% this.history show="20" stories="no" comments="yes" %> but it might as well be "true" and "false" or something. what are the guideline for optional macro parameters?

link (2 comments

topics or link macro broken?

say, do you see only "about antville" links in this topic, too? or is it just me? i think it should be "download" or whatever and link to somewhere else but the disclaimer... weird. what happen? somebody set up us the bomb?

link (16 comments

contributors Vs subscribers

A distinction should be made, is it not ?

only trusted contributors should be allowed to post stories.

and subscribers should be allowed only to read and post comments, is it not ??

If there is a way to do this already, please tell me so. All i could see in preferences was to turn on an option in which every subscriber automatically becomes a contributor.

Thanks and regards.

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March 2002
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i understand your concerns however,
i hardly can think of a solution. certainly, if the...
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Second Post Alert on Referrer
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How to log skin names
I accessed to console?? Hi, I would like to know...
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