Antville Project

Monday, 13. May 2002


(but only after the number 1000 :-) antville is 1000 thanks claudia! if you wanna use it, here's the code:

<% image name="project/antville1000" %>

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hsqldb & antville

works fine now with the patched jar library (thanks a lot, hannes). however, the antville-hsql.sql dump contains alter table statements hsql does nut support. that's why currently the antville images are not displayed even after a successful configuration of antville with hsqldb.

how could this be resolved? create the IMAGE table with ID auto_increment initially and leave it that way? or will this interfere with helma's way to determine the next ID?

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the image upload

i noticed that people often fail to upload images. the main reason is that they duplicate the original filename with file extension in the name field. what do you think about changing the image upload such that most of the current errors won't happen?

here is my suggestion:

  1. if the field "name" is empty, use the original filename of the uploaded image.
  2. drop the file extention if necessary.
  3. drop or replace special characters.
  4. if image with this name exists already then add a number 2 at the end.
  5. if name exists add a 3 instead, then a 4 and so on.
  6. change the server message to "the images has been uploaded successfully. it's name is ..."

you may even think about removing the name field in the image upload skin.

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WOW allmost 1000

Weblogs counter at 977 when I just looked... Antville is growing ! Hope it does not become too popular in terms of speed etc., allthough that would be strange concerning the great quality you guys have created.

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May 2002
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i understand your concerns however,
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but isn't can't really
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How to log skin names
I accessed to console?? Hi, I would like to know...
by winson (7/23/03, 4:12 PM)

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