Antville Project

Wednesday, 24. July 2002

send stories via email?

is there any macro that makes it possible for the user to send stories via email? would be a nice feature...

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xhtml pleeease

if you modify or add markup to any skin please check if it does not hurt the xhtml specs either by following these simple rules or even better by using the w3c html validator – at least the part you have modified/added, since not every skin has been transformed to xhtml, yet.

thanks for listening.

btw. up to now, i was validating against xhtml 1.0 only which already resulted in a bunch of error messages for most pages. now there's also the option to validate against version 1.1 which returns even worse results... should we do it with 1.1, anyway?

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2 Ideas...

... I would love to see in future-versions of Antville:

1.) Additional navigation in Fullstory view: "next story" & "last story" buttons

2.) The possibility to render the stories in topic-view different from the frontpage - when a visitor choses a topic from the list, I'd like to present him a list of story-titles instead of the complete stories (or is there a way to do that & i haven't found it?)

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July 2002
zfuture's house here is zfuture's
by zfuture (7/31/03, 2:59 AM)
i understand your concerns however,
i hardly can think of a solution. certainly, if the...
by tobi (7/29/03, 9:47 AM)
Found several more similar sites
listed This is getting to be quite a concern to...
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Second Post Alert on Referrer
bug livecatz I put this into "help" and now here:...
by cobalt123 (7/26/03, 7:14 PM)
well it's not easy to
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by tobi (7/24/03, 11:25 AM)
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by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:25 PM)
but isn't can't really
be rated as spam can it?
by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:08 PM)
More referrer spam
by Irene (7/23/03, 7:55 PM)
How to log skin names
I accessed to console?? Hi, I would like to know...
by winson (7/23/03, 4:12 PM)

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