Antville Project

Tuesday, 10. September 2002

no weblog creation possible

"Sorry, you are not allowed to create a new weblog" is the message that appears when trying to create a new weblog - for several days now. bug or wad (working as designed)?

link (8 comments

feature request: <% story.createtime as="link" %>

i want the date to hyperlink to the frontpage of that day when i turn on the option as shown in the title. pleeeaase?

oh, and i want to have customizable topic frontpages. i mean, one for every topic.

this means, i want to have a macro topic.description (or topic.meta or something) that inserts a snippet of html which i can define in my topic manager. for example, when the topic is foo, then topic.description returns "<span class="bar">these stories deal with the ancient art of foo. if you don't know what foo is, maybe you'd like to visit <a href="<">the ancient art of foo<a> first.</span>" or something. then i insert the macro into my "topic page" skin before the storylist macro and voilà! there's my customized topic frontpage.

update: i just implemented the createtime-link myself. boy, this was easy! i mean, this was the first time i tinkered with the antville code, i hadn't even edited a .js file before, and all it took me was 10 minutes. the code has even the rarely seen 3-spaces-indents, just as i like it. guys, i love you.

maybe you'd like to have a look at my implementation and tell me what you think. i post it in a comment, this story already consumes enough space on the frontpage :-)

link (5 comments

Hvað svo?

Ok þetta er ný sort af bloggi.

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how to run antville on my own webspace

hi. sorry for the newbie crosspost. are there any tutorials how to run a weblog on my own webspace with antville? what are my webspace providers requirements? thanks a lot, molly

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September 2002
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How to log skin names
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by winson (7/23/03, 4:12 PM)

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