Antville Project

Thursday, 7. November 2002

rss output

please help, i need some advice from an expert how to do the rss output right, finally. i think i made quite a lot of moves regarding the encoding of description values (from no encoding over <-like encoding to CDATA sections).

now there's muttering about the CDATA again, which leads me back to <-like encoding or even way back to the beginning because "use of encoding within description elements considered harmful"...

so please, somebody who admires his own expertise in rss questions might state a last word now – and please not for the sake of any specific feedreader having troubles with rss – but for the sake of the rss specs and a format we still can use in the near future:

which way to do it right? (ie. if/how to encode html tags, if/how to encode special characters etc.)

ps. CDATA has to go definitely.

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November 2002
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