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Sunday, 23. March 2003
March 23, 2003 at 12:29:03 AM CET
antville.org sucks tobi and i (exceptionally i allow myself to speak for the two of us) are just as upset as you might be about the current performance here at antville.org. the new server appearently has at least one faulty memory module. we can't do anything against it since we don't know whether hns did anything to get replacement memory (because he bought the server he's the only one who can order them). henso.com surprisingly told us that he will be away for the next days. we try to calm ourselves in the meantime. please join us and don't bother too much. take our humble apologies for these unnecessary inconveniences. Friday, 21. March 2003
March 21, 2003 at 11:48:48 AM CET
funky Stille absolutely no connection in the morning hours : hope you´re better now. Wednesday, 19. March 2003
March 19, 2003 at 11:50:42 AM CET
Update bei Offline-Story-Löschung Ein Weblog taucht auch dann auf der Antville-Startseite in der Liste der Last updated weblogs auf, wenn man eine Story löscht, die nur offline verfügbar war. Für Nicht-Admins ist in diesem Fall keine Änderung des Weblog-Inhaltes erkennbar, die Aktualisierung also nicht nachvollziehbar. Ist das ein Feature oder ein Bug?
March 19, 2003 at 1:03:31 AM CET
ich weiß nicht woran es liegt, aber meine geposteten stories werden mit/unter einer falschen uhrzeit (uhrzeit plus einer stunde) angezeigt. ich hab' aber die richtige timezone (GMT -1 / vienna) eingestellt und mein mac (macos x, ie5 bzw. safari) zeigt mir generell auch die richtige uhrzeit an. ist da irgendetwas bekannt? unter macos 9 kam so etwas mitunter vor, da lags an der sommer/winterzeit (bei anderen dingen, nicht antville). was soll ich machen? wahnsinnig wichtig ist es wohl nicht, aber ein wenig störts mich schon, wenn es immer so aussieht, als wären die gschichten eine stunde später gepostet worden... bitte danke + gn Tuesday, 18. March 2003
March 18, 2003 at 6:28:16 PM CET
change your layout in a snap I can change all my skins in under one second. If we add the feature described below to Antville, you'll also be able to do that. Experimenting with your skins in an online blog is kind of messy; visitors get ugly or weird pages while you are in the middle of a redesign, the server has a lot of work with replacing skins and delivering the various skin editor pages again and again, and you have to wait for each page to load. That's why I like to build a skin on my local Antville, in the comfort of my home, and upload my work when I'm done. However, I have to do this skin by skin; there's no way to do that all in one go. Until now. I just implemented a first version of a page that lets you download all skins at once, and another one that lets you upload such a dump again. This is not only useful for the purpose described above. You can also make a backup of your skins before messing with them, or copy the layout of one blog to another blog. I use text areas as input and output gadgets; maybe it would be nicer to implement this as a file down- and upload. Maybe I'll do that later, or someone else will, but for now I leave it like that because I already wasted enough time with it today. My alpha-quality implementation is in there: skinfeeder (application/zip, 4 KB) The .skin and .hac files simply have to be copied into the skinmgr prototype. The function in the .js file should probably go into skinmgr/objectFunctions.js. The skin files contain the 'user manual'. Everything else is abvious from the code :-) What do you think? Monday, 17. March 2003
March 17, 2003 at 10:02:08 AM CET
Password Problems Hello, I am running antclick-1.0pre4 on my server, and I am encountering the following problem (didn't find a solution on project.antville.org yet): I created a new weblog and set up a dummyuser. When anybody logs in from another location (IP-adress), he automatically gets logged in with this account. Then someone from a third IP-Adress created a new user (subscriber), and when I was logged in as Admin and clicked on a random link, I suddenly was logged in as the user from the 3rd IP-address. I also encounter the "cant log in"-syndrome with another dummyuser which I traced back to the upper-case-in-loginname-bug someone mentioned 2 weeks ago. I wanted to install the new CVS version but hesitated because of the segmentation faults hns mentioned on March 13th. Does anyone know the cause for the behaviour? Beside of that, antville is just fucking brilliant, kudos to the developers. Saturday, 15. March 2003
March 15, 2003 at 6:18:15 PM CET
Crashing Antclick From the "Ich spiele alles kaputt"-Department: I just crashed my Antclick by having to reset the whole system. Helma / Antville wouldn't start up properly again after the reset, giving out all sorts of McKoi / java errors. Looks like I crashed my database. Now my question: How to turn off Antclick "safely"? How can something like this be happening? There was no writing to the database at the moment of the crash, at least not visibly. Oh, and is there a way to recover? ... Next page
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i understand your concerns however,
i hardly can think of a solution. certainly, if the...
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