Antville Project

Wednesday, 11. December 2002

Bug when adding member

My apologies if this is the wrong place to post this but I've just tried (a few times) to add a user to the members list of my blog and I get the following:

Conversion to object unsupported by null detected at line 26 of function 'main_action' in file: 'membermgr/main.hac'

m i k e.

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Tuesday, 10. December 2002

Reworking start scripts on

I'm working on the Helma start scripts on There'll be some downtime within the next few minutes, but I hope everything goes smoothly and we'll be up back soon. I'll make two changes: Run Helma in headless mode so we do not anymore need Xvfb, and use the new concurrent mark-and-sweep garbage collector for the old generation, which may solve the garbage collection problems we are currently seeing on

Update: As to be expected, the update caused some problems, but everything seems to be running fine again.

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Monday, 9. December 2002

A bit strange for other people

If you disable the comments, you still can read "place your comment!" under the story.

Beispiel für einen Eintrag ohne Kommentarmöglichkeit, aber mit automatischer Aufforderung zum Kommentieren:

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Sunday, 8. December 2002

updated backlinks_macro()

kris sent me an extension for the backlinks-macro (which was born in this thread) and i implemented it, so the backlinks-macro has two new optional attributes:

<% story.backlinks limit="10" exclude="google,search,hotbot" %>

limit does what the name says. the upper limit which cannot be overridden is 100 backlinks (i don't think more makes sense anyway).

exclude must be a comma-delimited list of strings. whenever one of the strings appears in a backlink it will not be displayed, meaning that "search" will not display backlinks from,, and also not a referrer like

because referrers are written asynchronously to the database the whole backlinks-list is now also cached for about 1 minute (it will be re-rendered after scheduler did his job of writing the referrers).

the change is currently only in cvs and not implemented here at please give it a try and tell me what you think about it. and thanks for the contribution, kris!

link (2 comments

Saturday, 7. December 2002 <-to->


I know it's not possible to create new weblogs. But is it possible for you to change the name of to ?

I am the admin of

Thank you for your time.

Greetings, ADHD Ronnie

upd: even if someone can tell me this it not possible ......

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Thursday, 5. December 2002

new buttons

claudia sent me three new buttons for antville (thanks for them!):

code: <% image name="project/antville_mini_anim" %> Antville

code: <% image name="project/antville_mini_straight" %> Antville

code: <% image name="project/antville_mini_chaos" %> Antville

i'll include those in the antville-distribution too. And i'll ask for a new header-image (one that just says "antville" instead of "").

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Wednesday, 4. December 2002

New antclick preview out

I've uploaded new antclick builds to . This version includes Helma 1.2 release candidate 1 plus one bug fix. A short guide for how to update antclick pre1 installations is also available. Have fun + happy hacking!

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February 2025
zfuture's house here is zfuture's
by zfuture (7/31/03, 2:59 AM)
i understand your concerns however,
i hardly can think of a solution. certainly, if the...
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Second Post Alert on Referrer
bug livecatz I put this into "help" and now here:...
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find from here, anyway. think we should include a link,...
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