Antville Project

2 Ideas...

... I would love to see in future-versions of Antville:

1.) Additional navigation in Fullstory view: "next story" & "last story" buttons

2.) The possibility to render the stories in topic-view different from the frontpage - when a visitor choses a topic from the list, I'd like to present him a list of story-titles instead of the complete stories (or is there a way to do that & i haven't found it?)


robert, July 24, 2002 at 3:35:47 PM CEST

ad 1) definetly would be nice, and shouldn't be too hard to implement ... have you got your new computer already? (hehe) ad 2) tobi is already working on a macro that will do exactly that (see this thread)


Chronistin, July 25, 2002 at 1:33:33 AM CEST


had seen the thread, but stopped reading at the word "image". my fault.

no new machine here yet (i guess i have to stop looking for the "perfect" one).


... comment
hns, July 25, 2002 at 1:51:02 PM CEST

Me too!

previous/next story links would be highly welcome. This should check whether the story is on the weblog or in a topic and choose the next/prev accordingly.

Whily noble implementor is at it, he/she might also implement hierarchical navigation features such as parent links or breadcrumb navigation... ;-)


... comment

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