Antville Project

new URL schema in effect

I just switched to a new Hop snapshot and activated the new URL scheme, under which every weblog is situated under I also set the cookie-domain to, so you only have to login once for all the sites within the antville domain.

Hm, I don't check that into the CVS for now, because it won't work without some Rewrite activity in the Apache configuration. I guess it should be documented in a separate Mini-Howto (How to set up a multi-site Helma-Application or some such). Should. I love that word ;-)


kris, July 26, 2001 at 5:57:32 PM CEST


if you click on the imagepool link you get a redirect to with a 403.


hns, July 26, 2001 at 6:04:03 PM CEST


this was a name conflict between the antville image manager and the static image directory. I fixed that now, the image directory is now at /img instead of /images, but some people hardcoded their image tags to /images/... and these don't work anymore. Not sure what to do here.


kris, July 26, 2001 at 6:35:19 PM CEST

how does it work anyway?

i uploaded a jpg, but i cannot find it anywhere. i expected it to be in the pool.


hns, July 26, 2001 at 6:44:15 PM CEST

I just tried

And I think it worked. (after getting the macro right)


kris, July 26, 2001 at 6:50:08 PM CEST


thx, hns!


tobi, July 26, 2001 at 7:03:41 PM CEST

imagepool edit / delete

btw, did the edit and delete links work ever before? i am not sure about that, but anyway they don't work now.


hns, July 26, 2001 at 7:07:38 PM CEST


I just deleted an image. Worked ok.


tobi, July 26, 2001 at 7:17:04 PM CEST


uhm, well, actually i wanted to delete an image that i did not upload... it's the question why i can see the links, then. user rights again?


robert, July 26, 2001 at 10:10:55 PM CEST


has nothing to do with userrights (this time ;-), just with the fact that the imagepool-manager isn't finished ...


... comment
robert, July 26, 2001 at 10:11:38 PM CEST


thanks for that, henso! it's a dream! :-)


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grob, July 27, 2001 at 10:57:32 AM CEST


seems not to work ... i always get a session-cookie for i.e. "", and when i'm logged in in, i still do have to login to grottenolm again ...


hns, July 27, 2001 at 11:11:18 AM CEST

it's a setting in internet explorer

Tobi had the same problem, changing some cookie-related option solved the problem.


kris, July 27, 2001 at 11:33:35 AM CEST

but i have netscape

i have to login after every restart of the program. but contrary to grob, i need to sign in only once to participate in several sites.


hns, July 27, 2001 at 1:07:54 PM CEST

That's the expected bahaviour

The cookie which stores your login is not persistent, it's a session cookie, so it's expected that you have to re-login after restarting the browser.

It would be nice to have persistent log-ins as an option, as well as a password reminder. I'll see if I can do something in this space.


robert, July 27, 2001 at 2:25:23 PM CEST

i don't get it, hns

when i start up IE and access "", i'm getting a HopSession-cookie for the domain "" instead of "". which means, if i log in in and move on to, i'm getting a new HopSession-cookie there for the domain "".

logging in for all antville-sites works only if i log in at "".

or am i getting something completely wrong?


tobi, July 27, 2001 at 2:28:45 PM CEST

in iexplorer

the appropriate setting to enable cookies across domains eventually is a little bit hard to find: open "internet options" from the "extras" menu and go to the "security" tab. click on the "custom level" button and scroll down the list to "miscellaneous" then activate the "prompt" radio button for the option "access data sources across domains".

concerning internet explorer, you should be aware, though, that this makes an unsecure software even more vulnerable (read more).


kris, July 27, 2001 at 2:31:28 PM CEST

this is easy

persistant cookie is easy. there is something with the expiry time. if i remember correctly, if you set it to zero it is a session cookie. a "remember me" checkbox on the login would be great.

on the other hand, this may raise security issues. how about legal tags in messages? can members write javascripts in their messages? imagine, someone reads out the cookie via .js and sends it somewhere. i am sure this is a way to hack manila-sites, if people allow script tags in members messages.


robert, July 27, 2001 at 2:57:58 PM CEST

ok, i'll try to make it clearer ;-)

  1. close your browser completely (no matter which)
  2. start it up again and go directly to ""
  3. log in there
  4. go directly to i.e. "" - you will not be logged in there ...

that's what i meant ... btw.: doesn't matter which browser you're using (i tested it with netscape and ie)


tobi, July 27, 2001 at 3:16:06 PM CEST


robert's description causes the same (mis)behaviour in my browser. seems to be something different from the cookie domain thing...

or is it intended / only possible to work this way?


kris, July 27, 2001 at 3:35:12 PM CEST

try the other way around

strange thing is, when i login on elephantville i am automatically logged in here or on grottenolm or on tobi. actually, i am only a member on my site not on the others.


hns, July 27, 2001 at 5:04:59 PM CEST

You're right.

The cookie is only set to the whole domain if it comes from I checked with the Helma source, this must definitely be a bug in Apache JServ, since the domain is set correctly on all cookies.


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