Antville Project


i decided to merge my additions and modifications in the helmaville branch with the main branch. here's a short list of changes i implemented so far:

  1. storylist macro
  2. custom clipping in renderTextPreview
  3. the title property of stories and comments is kept along with its corresponding value in the xml content
  4. new doctype / document header in for xhtml conformance
  5. created a new createtime_macro() function in the hopobject prototype and removed it from at least four specific prototypes.
  6. shortcuts (improved but still experimental)
moreover, i am currently going through this list and strike out feature by feature (as far as i feel able to implement it):
  1. changed explicit and verbose date format parameter to "short" in comment skins
  2. default title in new comment ("Re: previous title"; experimental)
  3. extended the topic macro to support generation of topic icons, links or simple plain output of the topic's name
i hope i did not forget anything... (and that everything works and nothing else is broken)


robert, July 26, 2002 at 6:57:39 PM CEST

cool! works nice, thanks tobi!


... comment
hns, July 26, 2002 at 7:04:46 PM CEST


I thought they were merged already ;-)


... comment
earl, July 27, 2002 at 4:08:04 PM CEST

default titles

i would rather like to see this "feature" removed again.

with this "feature" enabled the title of this comment would have been "RE: update" most likely, which is far worse (imho) than a custom title describing the content of the comment or even than no title at all.

i could imagine that with these default titles enabled most commenters would not take the few seconds to reason about a more useful title.


cyanblue, July 29, 2002 at 12:58:15 AM CEST

optional default titles

I do agree with earl. Giving those default titles will have a negative affect on discussion style. At least give the weblog owners the option to switch off this feature if they want their contributers to stay creative.



Chronistin, July 29, 2002 at 1:12:48 AM CEST

Me three!

Default titles are just a little too much forum style.


... comment

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