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July 30, 2002 at 1:02:51 AM CEST
Am I right here? I noticed that the picture-popup function is only meant for stories with a single picture in it. If you open a second picture popup without closing the window first, the popup stays in the background & does not resize to the new picture's size. This can be changed by replacing the "function openPopup" in the javascript-skin with the following: betterPopup (text/plain, 0 KB) This works in all windows-Browsers, if there are problems elsewhere, let me know. [Update] Ooops; second version clings to antville security-standards (i hope); the seemingly clumsy handling of "bildfenster" is the only way i found to make netscape do what i expected. anyway: it works. (see end of this story for an example)
July 30, 2002 at 8:41:42 AM CEST
thank you! works very well at least in ie 5.5 and mozilla 0.97. i checked in your code in cvs and it will be available here with the big antville.org update. ... comment
July 30, 2002 at 8:52:45 AM CEST
Your script limits people to having only one popup open at a time. This means you can't have two popups open side by side, and you can't keep a popup open without fear of having it closed automatically by clicking on some other popup link. I vote for letting people do their own window management (i.e. have them close a popup window when the no longer need it) by simply changing the original code to open a new window for each picture: function openPopup(img, width, height) { if (img && width && height) { width = Math.min(width + 36, 640); height = Math.min(height + 30, 480); var popUp = window.open(img,img,"toolbar=no,location=no, directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes, copyhistory=no,width=" + width + ",height=" + height); } return; } (Line breaks added for formatting only, the only change to the original script is that the second argument to the window.open call changes from "popUp" to img, so a new window is opened for each image.) There's one problem here that if a popup window for one specific image has been hidden/minimized already, it will not come to the front when clicked again. Maybe there's a solution for this. I prefer it anyway to have a previous popup automatically being closed.
July 30, 2002 at 9:05:36 AM CEST
i am in favor of andrea's proposal because in most cases you will only have one pop-up and if the rare event of having a bunch of popup links should occur (like in andrea's cats example) i definitely prefer it not to have the screen invisibly cluttered with pop-up windows i have to close again myself afterwards. i also like it very much that the popup comes to the front automatically.
July 30, 2002 at 9:11:15 AM CEST
ps. in the current antville code (in cvs) we provide an image macro that can display an image in a "normal" browser window, too. ie. clicking on the thumbnail will open the original-sized image in the browser window and thus it can be opened in a new window, too. which means as many images can be opened in as many new windows as the user likes to have. so it's the site maintainers who have to care about not using popups at all. the popup idea was a dead-end from the beginning.
July 30, 2002 at 9:37:57 AM CEST
Tobi, I don't understand why and how the facts that there is now another way of providing thumbnail->big picture and that you consider popups a dead end affect the discussion on how image popups should behave. Regarding your first response, in the common case where there is only one popup, the popup window will stay alive until it is closed by the user. I'm just for keeping that behaviour even in the case of multiple popup images. Preventing window clutter in the name of the user might seem like a nice idea, but the fact is it comes with a serious penalty on the popup window functionality (see last paragraph below). Fact is my script perfectly solves Andrea's original complaints that a new popup image won't appear if the popup window has already been created for another image and has somehow gone to the background, or that the existing popup image won't resize. Andrea did not say that it bothers her that popup images aren't disposed automatically, I think that's just a quirk in her implementation. As I said, my variant still does have the problem of not bringing an image to the front if the same image has been popped up and moved to the background already. Regarding the wish of having multiple popups open at a time, I certainly think this is a reasonable user request. In fact, I was missing the feature on Andrea's cat image page. I think it should be possible no matter which way the author chooses to provide blown up images.
July 30, 2002 at 10:22:56 AM CEST
quite simple to me both an image in a pop-up window (ie. opened by javascript) and an image in a standard browser window fulfill the same need: displaying an image only, without any further context. and because i consider client-side javascript to be left to the user's choice / scripting experience (because client-side javascript is a dead-end for using it in default skins), i would rather like to get rid of pop-ups and only use standard browser windows. with latter the user has full control of the "window management", which also means i see all demands for a reasonable image display function satisfied. concerning pop-ups you can take this as a "dowhatchalike" signal.
July 30, 2002 at 10:30:37 AM CEST
i certainly didn't want to start a grundsatzdiskussion here... actually, having only one popup is more convenient for me, because i tend to forget about what's behind the big window and am kind of surprised to find 5 small windows when I close it. in theory, i understand & support hns' thoughts of user self responsibility, but in practice i prefer the one-window solution. ... comment
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