Antville Project


on my local antville installation i can change colors in the preferences with the colorpicker now... (but it still needs some minor tweaking!)

update: i just checked in the files i modified to activate the colorpicker in antville. i made it available to choose colors in the site preferences but think it should work for future purposes, too.

btw. now you also can see the colors in little squares beneath the values (see screenshot).

to update, check out the files from cvs, install today's database patch and extract the marquee image from the file. as usual, please let me know if anything does not work.


hns, August 1, 2002 at 3:40:12 PM CEST


hope you'll check it in soon so the rest of us can give it a whirl. (those who have their own CVS-synched Antville installation, that is ;-)


... comment
tobi, August 1, 2002 at 6:40:23 PM CEST

to be discussed

  1. naming of "accept" and "cancel": maybe the colorpicker should not be closed immediately when pressing "accept", so we could call this "copy"? and "cancel" could become "close"...?
  2. color values generation: i revamped the javascript (thanks to this color conversion tutorial) and now everything is calculated inside, ie. the file became much smaller (~7k) but on the other hand the client gets all the cpu work to do -- could be that this is too much for older computers
  3. should the current color value be selected in the picker? (i even don't know if that is possible at all without great turbulences...)
  4. don't know if the script works with all browsers, yet (also if the window is large enough everywhere)...


hns, August 2, 2002 at 2:25:43 PM CEST

Just checked it out

Re 1.: I think it's ok to close the window. Even if we keep it, I'd find "accept" better than "copy".

Re 2.: The window opens very slowly. I would definitely prefer it to come with the colors precalculated. I remember the size was something like 100k, which is not that much at all, especially since it just has to be fetched once.

Re 3.: That would be great, but it's not a must-have IMO.

Re 4.: It doesn't work with Mozilla right now, because it doesn't generate hex colors but somthing like "gb(255,221,85)" instead, but I guess you know that already.


hns, August 2, 2002 at 2:27:51 PM CEST

Some more input

  • I am missing a good preview area right now. Currently, there's only a slim border where the preview color is displayed. I always find myself increasing the window width to see a decent preview area.
  • It would be nice to have the name of the color you're selecting displayed somewhere, e.g. "Background color", "Small text color", "Active Link color" etc
  • On Mozilla the selected color sqares are not highlightet, but I guess that's just the missing marquee pics? Anyway, just thought I'd mention it because on IE there is some kind of highlighting.

When it works (i.e. on I.E) it's very nice!


tobi, August 2, 2002 at 3:48:04 PM CEST

thanks for the feedback

it's really incredible how slow the colorpicker opens in mozilla browsers... about 10 times slower than on ie – well, that's faster than the display of a page's source code (at least sometimes)! but i don't want to put a word too good for m$.

so i surely will put in the pre-calculated color array, again.

and concerning the rgb(r,g,b) values: did not work in mozilla because i always trimmed the first character from the color string. how should i know that there are color values not beginning with a hash? :)

however, it works now with rgb values, too. just remains the question if they are very ugly as readable values... (if they are, i'd have to use some more lines of code).

hannes, will it be enough to increas the size of the window to get a larger preview area?

the target's name of the current color pick i will add to the output. and i think i will remove the color value display (or does anyone really need it?)

if the marquee image is installed properly (which is really a task because it needs an antville db patch), it should also highlight the chosen color in mozilla. at least that's how it is in my 0.9 version (and netscape 6.2, too).


hns, August 2, 2002 at 5:01:27 PM CEST

I don't find Mozilla so much slower than IE 6 - maybe you should upgrade to 1.x.

Yes, increasing the size of the window would do the trick for me. I'd add another 50% of the current width to the right, but of course that's a matter of taste.

The image needs a database upgrade? How's that?


tobi, August 2, 2002 at 6:08:28 PM CEST

the image is created by a macro just like e.g. the invisible pixel image.

ad mozilla: yeah, i should do an upgrade. btw. do you know which mozilla version corresponds to netscape 6.2?


hns, August 2, 2002 at 6:22:47 PM CEST

Re: image: of course. I thought of something more complex when I read "db patch".

Netscape 6.2 is Mozilla 0.9.4, AFAIK, i.e. very ancient. I recommend going directly to 1.1 beta.


tobi, August 3, 2002 at 4:30:39 AM CEST

ad image: uh, i am so lazy. i should have typed "the macro needs an db entry for the marquee tag in the av_image table". so a db patch is in fact needed (antville_dbpatch20020801.sql).


... comment
tobi, August 2, 2002 at 6:24:05 PM CEST

next colorpicker update

ok, i checked in some files i applied the following changes to:

  1. enlarged preview area around the picker
  2. switched back to pre-calculated color values (should load faster now)
  3. fixed javascript to work with mozilla and opera(!) although the latter has some troubles with initially displaying the color squares
  4. a text is displayed telling for which element the picker was opened
  5. a storypicker macro lets anyone put such a storypicker into any skin (but this is still experimental). if you feel adventuresome today, you might try out the following: put <% this.colorpicker name="color" title="story" width="15" %> into your story editor skin and <% this.content part="color" %> as background-color style into a div or span in your story display skin. you should get something like this:


hns, August 2, 2002 at 6:41:19 PM CEST

this one

doesn't work for me on Mozilla 1.0/1.1. Just displays a white page with a light gray rectangle where the colors should be.


tobi, August 2, 2002 at 8:23:00 PM CEST


there was another trouble with the hashes in color values... should be fixed now.


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