Antville Project

rights for the admin

i noticed some inconsistencies in the out-of-the-box implementation of the antville-blog. my site works pretty much like this project site, i.e. everyone can join and post. i noticed that the admin can delete comments but not stories or images posted by other users.

a question: what is the "is online" checkbox good for? if unchecked the story also appears on the homepage.


kris, July 26, 2001 at 8:39:57 PM CEST

one more

the sidebar apparently lists only the modified objects. it would be great to see the freshly created stories in this list as well. or maybe this is not necessary. i don't know.


robert, July 26, 2001 at 10:14:48 PM CEST

nope, it's correct

it's just confusing. when you're logged in as admin or contributor, you'll see all stories, regardless if they're online or offline. the recently-modified-list only displays new or modified stories, as the normal user (non-admin, non-contributor) would see it ... clear?

anyway, in the future there will be a separate story-manager, where you clearly see which stories are online or not ...


... comment
robert, July 26, 2001 at 10:17:24 PM CEST

it actually works

the problem is just that you as an admin (or contributor) can see all stories (on- and offline), so the confusing part is: when you create a story and you don't set it online, you'll see it on the frontpage, but only you (not a normal user) ... there is a big need for a storymanager, and it'll be finished (hopefully) soon.


kris, July 26, 2001 at 11:13:55 PM CEST

and the admin

apparently the admin sees it as well. because i wrote as a normal user and checked when logged in as admin.


kris, July 26, 2001 at 11:25:27 PM CEST


i just noticed that this story is offline. i see it only when i am logged in under my name at the time of creation. but i can access it through the sidebar. another strange thing is i cannot set it to online because there is no edit link anymore.


hns, July 27, 2001 at 12:09:33 AM CEST

Very well ...

Keep posting any strange things you encounter. You make a great guinea pig err ... beta tester ;-)

The edit link is only visible in the weblog frontpage view.


kris, July 27, 2001 at 10:38:31 AM CEST

not even there

i noticed this as well. but in this case i have only a "delete" link. no "edit". see:

that's how it is

observe also the netscape/mac unfriendly fonts. sorry, if i cause you too much work.


... comment

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