Antville Project

not being able to edit own stories

tonight i was talking with my mate yam about his experience with antville. he said he sign up at our test site (eleph). i wanted to give him admin rights, but for some reason he is not in the members list. i suppose he might have signed up on the main site instead.

however, we figured out that people who are not signed up on one site cannot edit their stories posted on other sites. remember? i complained about being unable to set my story written in the project site online, because there is no edit link. typing the url doesn't work either. i reckon it is because i am not a member here. yam has exactly the same problem on the eleph site. he wrote a story on eleph, but he cannot edit it to set it online.

looks like a conflict between the cookie and the membership data. i guess in one case (when soemone wants to write a story) you only ask if the cookie is present and in the other case (when it comes to editing) you ask if the person is really a member.


kris, July 28, 2001 at 12:35:13 AM CEST


now, after pressing the signup link, i see the edit link and i was even able to set my old story online.


robert, July 28, 2001 at 3:26:47 AM CEST

sí, that's a bug

many thanks for the report (and all your other comments too)! i'll fix this bug tomorrow.


hns, July 28, 2001 at 9:20:49 AM CEST

Well I hope

you still take the day off, Robert!


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