Antville Project

BloggerAPI broken on CVS? (Newbie)

Tonight I installed a fresh copy of Antville from the CVS. I haven't run across any problems except for one. I cannot post via the Blogger API. The response I get from the server is:

Result: helma.scripting.ScriptingException: Runtime error Conversion to object unsupported by null detected at line 8 of function 'isUserBlocked' in file: '/usr/local/helma/apps/antville/global/securityFunctions.js' called at line 63 of function 'checkAccessPermission' in file: '/usr/local/helma/apps/antville/root/bloggerapi.js' called at line 9 of function 'newPost' in file: '/usr/local/helma/apps/antville/root/bloggerapi.js'

I am an antville newbie, so forgive me if this is due to a simple config problem. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!



robert, August 24, 2002 at 6:48:28 PM CEST

looks like the helma-snapshot your're using is too old: download this snapshot plus the files servlet.jar and jetty.jar and put them all in the subdirectory "lib" of helma. then you should remove the old helma.jar, copy helma-20020806.jar to helma.jar and edit hop.bat (or, depending on the OS your're using): add servlet.jar and jetty.jar to the classpath (like the other .jar-files) and restart hop. that should do it.

and hey: would be nice to hear about your plans/experiences with antville :-)


ders, August 25, 2002 at 7:41:33 PM CEST


Thanks for the quick response Robert.

I followed your instructions and updated my setup. Helma and Antville are both up and running. However, I am still getting the same error as before. Should I try a fresh install of Helma? or do a local build from CVS (that is if helma is available via anonymous checkout)?

Thanks again for the help.



robert, August 26, 2002 at 11:10:58 AM CEST


found the error: please update bloggerapi.js, i (hopefully) fixed the bug now (it had nothing to do with the helma-snapshot you were using, just a bug in the function checkAccessPermission()). sorry for that.


ders, August 26, 2002 at 4:34:21 PM CEST

one more fix...

Thanks robert.

That got us half way there. After updating checkAccessPermission(), I encountered another bug. When doing a test post Antville returned an error message which stated that I didn't enter anything into the 'text' field. I did some digging and found the problem. On newPost() line 13 of root/bloggerapi.js it should read:

param.content_text = content;

instead of

param.text = content;

After making that change the I can successfully post via the BloggerAPI.


tobi, August 26, 2002 at 4:50:00 PM CEST


i fixed this and checked the new version into cvs.


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