Antville Project

i think i know what i want to do with antville.

it's a collaborative site where members can post stuff and upload images. the easy picture upload is really great. maybe THE key feature of antville compared to others.

have you ever seen average people using the internet? like friends that are not in the internet business? they get loads of mails each day with big attachments. sometimes you cannot mail them, because they are over quota, because 10 of their friends send them the same 2MB "funny" powerpoint presentation. i think of them as the target group.

so what i want build is a simple site. just login, create story and upload image. no macros or something. just two piles. the stories on the homepage like now and images in a sidebar like the modified objects. most of it is here already. i think all i need is a skin for image.main, which will look almost like storie.main.

what do you think?


hns, July 29, 2001 at 5:44:41 PM CEST

I know what you mean

I also like the way Antville lets me upload and include images.

One way to immediately post an image would be to have an option "post this image (as story)" in the upload form or in the image manager that would simply create a story with the corresponding image macro in it.


kris, July 29, 2001 at 7:28:11 PM CEST

bad idea if you target joe sixpack...

because as result you have the homepage packed with oversized pictures. and a "post this picture as a comment to a new story" doesn't really cut it, does it? :)

what's wrong with an image.main anyway? with this you could even leave out the image in the image.preview skin and provide only the name, the alt text and a link to the actual picture. btw, what happens with the images page when you post lots of pictures to your site?


hns, July 29, 2001 at 8:02:30 PM CEST

no, that won't work

you need to have a story to post an image, you can't post the image directly.


kris, July 29, 2001 at 8:35:46 PM CEST

i see

okay. so this looks like a job for the yet to be built story manager.


kris, July 31, 2001 at 11:46:33 PM CEST


does the "no, that won't work" mean that there is no way to create a page for image/name/main or is it only impossible to add comments to it?

i'm asking because i wanted to rewrite our picture manager. we already have too many pictures for my 56k modem. i'd like to build a simple image manager, just the name, the edit and the delete link for each image. unfortunately i see no way to preview a picture except in the image manager. (the edit link works only for the creator.)


hns, August 4, 2001 at 9:40:28 PM CEST

I understand the problem. will be fixed.

What I meant with "won't work" was that an image can't be on the weblog main section/page without a wrapping story, i.e. without being inside a story.


kris, August 7, 2001 at 9:17:00 PM CEST

while your are at it

an <% %> would be highly appreciated, too.


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