Antville Project

What happened?

well ... i updated to pre-V1 of antville (the update we planned to do back then). now this was much more than a small update because a lot of stuff has changed in the last months (see the <* changelog *>) - too much do describe it here. An because the database in the backend changed significantly (and because there's a lot going on to convert existing database-contents) it's why things tend to be slower than usual. This effect will last for some more time, and it looks like we'll have a bit more downtime tomorrow (=today ;-). Sorry for that, but we have to go through that. And don't forget: we're all working for you: :-)

Anyway: please check if something in your blog doesn't work anymore (but did work before) and report any strange behaviour here.

If you are interested in all the fancy new features of antville please have a look at the <* changelog *> or at the reopened I'll post a brief summary after i got some sleep.

known problems: currently we're having a problem with login which means that if you don't use the "remember me"-feature (aka persistent cookies) you will have to login in every new weblog if you want to post a comment/story there. this will be solved asap.


kantel, September 4, 2002 at 7:27:38 AM CEST

Seltsame Fehlermeldungen

Der Rollberg hat einige seltsame Fehlermeldungen der folgenden Form: [HopMacro error: helma.scripting.ScriptingException: Runtime error java.lang.RuntimeException: Bad xml-code: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Illegal XML character: . detected at line 218 of function 'getContent' in file: '/usr/local/helma/apps/antville/story/objectFunctions.js' called at line 199 of function 'getContentPart' in file: '/usr/local/helma/apps/antville/story/objectFunctions.js' called at line 179 of function 'getRenderedContentPart' in file: '/usr/local/helma/apps/antville/story/objectFunctions.js' called at line 35 of function 'content_macro' in file: '/usr/local/helma/apps/antville/story/macros.js']. Und die waren gestern noch nicht...


... comment
Luinwen, September 4, 2002 at 7:32:26 AM CEST


Although I write the URL of my webog in my profil and it worked before, now I don't have the Link to my weblog in my name. What's wrong?


... comment
supatyp, September 4, 2002 at 8:02:03 AM CEST

Re: What happened?

two times "polls" in the menu, Sir!


... comment
hzcr, September 4, 2002 at 10:23:12 AM CEST

mac mac mac

using my mac, it looks like this:

ie + netscape. same look.

aber sonst sage ich: thank you mister president.


phil, September 6, 2002 at 8:42:21 AM CEST

Re: mac mac mac

is there any solution for that? i have this effect with ie for every antville-weblog


robert, September 6, 2002 at 9:01:22 AM CEST

the only solution for the moment is that weblog-owners follow this. we'll see if we can find another one.


... comment
MH, September 4, 2002 at 10:39:13 AM CEST

Re: What happened?

Handling my log with Opera has always been a little cumbersome, now we see real adventure. I'm getting "maximum thread count reached" messages all the time, empty lines have to be enforced by br-tags (at least at the very beginning of a story). I wrote an article on the upcoming German elections and the blogger scene which looks really sad now, because 18 of the 20 links therein lead to antville. Shit happens! I appreciate your work very much in spite of the trouble.


robert, September 4, 2002 at 12:44:51 PM CEST

Re: Re: What happened?

sorry, we had to do the update, and i didn't know about your article ... bad luck, but it should run much faster now. still diggin'


... comment
kris, September 4, 2002 at 11:13:01 AM CEST

general sluggishness and css weirdness

apart from what others have to report i get loads of timeouts, unloadable javascripts and occasional fallbacks to the default skins.

my picture sites (alo et al.) have css related rendering problems. looks like you added additional divs or spans that need to be considered in my css. unfortunately the site is so slow that i can't figure out what you have changed.


robert, September 4, 2002 at 12:43:26 PM CEST

Re: general sluggishness and css weirdness

alo looks fine now, anything wrong with it?


kris, September 4, 2002 at 2:13:46 PM CEST

alo screenshot

mac os x, ie. there are black line that hadn't been there before.

komische schwarze streifen


kris, September 5, 2002 at 9:43:08 PM CEST


i reckon the browser gets confused by the anchor tag, i.e. the <a ... />.


... comment
hzcr, September 4, 2002 at 12:59:52 PM CEST


i can't log in. mac. ie5. macos x. same with netscape. macos 9.

now i'm sitting in front of this shitty pc..

plus: recently-modified-list still looking crashed. (mac-view)


... comment

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