Antville Project

What happened

Did your update get wrong somehow? Or just some sequences? I find every weblog apart of mine. Do I have to live with it by now, or do I have a chance to get back the things? It´s not that I´m impatient ´bout things, but it would make me really sad and blue to be lost... Please get me back my Radinat. Antville tell me about no found on this Server.

Update: Ooops, this was quite different to the last error sites... so I was really anxious about it. But you did it well again! Thanx....Jungs!


robert, September 5, 2002 at 10:00:09 AM CEST

Re: What happened

we're still not done with fixing, so chances are good you'll see errors again.


... comment
mikeysa, September 5, 2002 at 12:14:47 PM CEST

Re: What happened

I keep getting errors when trying toacces any site. Things like: application error and maximum thread capacity reached and Tried to modify HopObject project from two threads at the same time. and server temporarily unavailable, please try again later etc

this happens most of the time when access any site


Kasi, September 5, 2002 at 1:11:32 PM CEST

Re: Re: What happened

Well, this you should know, if you´re reading a little around here. They are updating antville. So while that antville runs so slow, or even not at all from time to time. But hopefully it will work soon. I was just a little shocked, cause antville said my url was even not found on this server...


mikeysa, September 5, 2002 at 2:21:51 PM CEST

Re: Re: What happened

Thanks Antville for supplying us with this service for FREE - thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping all will be sorted out soon :D


robert, September 5, 2002 at 6:22:44 PM CEST

Re: Re: What happened

as you possibly can imagine it's also not very funny to work hours and hours to get back to where it was (in terms of performance). so either wait until we tell you here that everything is ok again or get used to error-messages. this is an unplanned outage ...

anyway, it looks like we've solved the problem(s), so it should work much much better now. thanks for your patience.


instantflorian, September 6, 2002 at 4:21:24 PM CEST

Re: Re: What happened

Ich wollte hier wirklich nicht rumstänkern, habe deshalb mein etwas missverständliches Posting gelöscht. Danke für die Weiterentwicklung von antville.


... comment

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