Antville Project


it would be nice if you could drop the "main" in the url in the recently updated list and macro. people start referrering to ones site as "". this is very counterproductive if one (not me, that is. of course not ;-) intents to score high on daypop and other vanity fairs.


hns, September 7, 2002 at 1:41:03 PM CEST

Re: /main?

Yes. I hate /main. I got rid of it back in the very early days, but somehow it crept back into the code. Unfortunately I don't have the time to check it out, so unless somebody can tell me where to fix it (e.g. by following the code path from root/ to where the links are generated) it'll have to wait a bit.


bens, September 10, 2002 at 7:17:43 AM CEST

And for full view?

Could it go away for full view also? :-) I just don't like it and delete it all the time when linking to articles in an Antville weblog.


... comment
hns, September 7, 2002 at 1:57:03 PM CEST

Re: /main?

It's fixed for the site list.


kris, September 7, 2002 at 3:10:37 PM CEST

cheers, mate.

nice one.


... comment
neo, September 9, 2002 at 9:11:35 AM CEST

Re: /main?

my issues aren't quite worthy of their own story, so i'll add them here, the first one kind of fits the topic:

dear developers, have a look at this:

Backlinks 2 1
maybe you could strip trailing slashes from urls (at least while comparing/sorting them) so they're merged in such situations and the result is like this:
Backlinks 3
which isn't necessarily more correct, but looks so much nicer.

another thing i stumbled across: since antville produces "dynamite dynamic content", i added <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> to my main skin. that worked fine at home, but my proxy at work still caches pages that shouldn't be cached. anything i could do about it?


... comment

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