Antville Project


ehem, i don't find the "delete"-button in edit-mode. How can I trash stories that are displayed twice by accident?


hns, February 4, 2002 at 2:36:25 PM CET


the delete link is only displayed in the storypool (linked in the menu).


andreaffm, February 4, 2002 at 2:45:49 PM CET

not linked

you mean the menu on the right with home, search, create etc.? There's no "delete"-function there, not even when the "storypool" is open. And nowhere else. And how do I mark a story I want to delete?


robert, February 4, 2002 at 2:47:49 PM CET

when you open

the storypool, you get a list of stories, and on the right side of each story are some links ("view", "edit story", "set online" or "set offline" plus a "delete"-link).


andreaffm, February 4, 2002 at 3:00:40 PM CET


there seems to be something wrong with the table as I can only see the first, very long line of a story across the whole monitor with three dots behind it and then it's cut off, and obviously so are the links. Also my referrers are cut off after the first few characters. Where can I change the display of the storypool? (I will try to cut the table in broadness... and hope for the links to appear...)


robert, February 4, 2002 at 4:21:13 PM CET

you can't

edit the skins for storymanager directly. which browser are you using?


andreaffm, February 4, 2002 at 8:47:27 PM CET

NS and IE. At the moment IE because of the trouble on my gig.antville-website which I mailed you which makes NS4 break down. Both browsers for Mac. But I have the problem with the line breaks continuously, actually I have it at the moment as I type this. The longest line is in my comment "hm" from "there seems" to "characters", so I have to scroll a long way down to the menu. The last three times I commented here everything was normal. But in my storypool & referrers the trouble is always there.


robert, February 4, 2002 at 9:37:14 PM CET


i'll do a check tomorrow with IE and Netscape on a Mac. Maybe there's a bug in the default-skin code ...


andreaffm, February 6, 2002 at 10:48:10 AM CET

zarte nachfrage

have you found something up to now? my website (gig.antville) still doesn't work on Netscape. and lines still don't break.

now the last entry is the one that I have a problem with (the beerbohm one) and it now makes the "older-stories"-link disappear. I really would like to delete that one if I knew how to.


andreaffm, February 6, 2002 at 11:54:41 AM CET

things getting stranger...

it's getting even stranger: now the dotted lines are gone and something happened to the tablewidth because the header is not as broad as it used to be. I didn't touch anything!


robert, February 6, 2002 at 12:43:16 PM CET


the reason was 1) an invalid stylesheet-declaration for body (you used align:justify instead of text-align:justify) and 2) that you placed the beerbohm-image in a handwritten table - with align=left - which obviously netscape can't interpret correctly. so i fixed all the stuff for you, but PLEASE change your browser!


andreaffm, February 7, 2002 at 7:44:34 AM CET


You are absolutely fabulous! THANKS a lot! (I would have fixed the table myself if I had the opportunity to edit the stuff.) And, yes, I think about a browser-change.


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