Antville Project

feature request: <% story.createtime as="link" %>

i want the date to hyperlink to the frontpage of that day when i turn on the option as shown in the title. pleeeaase?

oh, and i want to have customizable topic frontpages. i mean, one for every topic.

this means, i want to have a macro topic.description (or topic.meta or something) that inserts a snippet of html which i can define in my topic manager. for example, when the topic is foo, then topic.description returns "<span class="bar">these stories deal with the ancient art of foo. if you don't know what foo is, maybe you'd like to visit <a href="<">the ancient art of foo<a> first.</span>" or something. then i insert the macro into my "topic page" skin before the storylist macro and voilĂ ! there's my customized topic frontpage.

update: i just implemented the createtime-link myself. boy, this was easy! i mean, this was the first time i tinkered with the antville code, i hadn't even edited a .js file before, and all it took me was 10 minutes. the code has even the rarely seen 3-spaces-indents, just as i like it. guys, i love you.

maybe you'd like to have a look at my implementation and tell me what you think. i post it in a comment, this story already consumes enough space on the frontpage :-)


hns, September 10, 2002 at 1:44:09 PM CEST

Re: feature request: <% story.createtime as="link" %>

Have you tried implementing it? If not, why not?


nex, September 10, 2002 at 1:59:46 PM CEST

Re: Re: feature request: <% story.createtime as="link" %>

oh, i know, i know... i should do it myself. i'm feeling guilty now.

why not? i'm still struggling with the installation of antville (see my message to the mailing list) and haven't started gettign acquainted with all those ecma-scripts yet. so i figured someone who's more into the subject could add that faster and more efficient.

however, i promise i'll do it myself and send you the code if you help me to get my antville running :-)

when it's about something like this, it only requires editing of a script, i don't have to check out the cvs and mess with any compiled code, right?


... comment
nex, September 10, 2002 at 2:31:38 PM CEST

suggested implementation

in story/macros.js:

 * macro rendering createtime of story

function createtime_macro(param) {
   if ( == "editor") {
      if (this.createtime)
         param.value = formatTimestamp(
            "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
         param.value = formatTimestamp(new Date(),
            "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); = "createtime";
   } else {
      if (!this.createtime)
      var dateStr = formatTimestamp(
      var dateLink = +
      if ( == "link") {
         res.write("<a href=\"" + dateLink + "\">");
      if ( == "link") {

the format of the link is hardcoded, maybe this is a bad thing and i should've called a function that gives me the format?

another thing that could use some improvement is the placement of the anchor tags -- they include the time portion of the date, which is technically incorrect, since we link to the whole day.

but i guess it's better than nothing, maybe you'd like to include it in your codebase?


hns, September 10, 2002 at 2:41:12 PM CEST

Re: suggested implementation

Yes, Hop hacking is easy. Your patch looks pretty good, and I'm +1 on adopting it. Let's see what the others say.


robert, December 8, 2002 at 7:00:44 PM CET

Re: suggested implementation

+1, i implemented it (cvs-diff).


... comment

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