Antville Project

no weblog creation possible

"Sorry, you are not allowed to create a new weblog" is the message that appears when trying to create a new weblog - for several days now. bug or wad (working as designed)?


hns, September 10, 2002 at 4:09:09 PM CEST

Re: no weblog creation possible

we're not taking any new weblogs until we have fixed our perfornance problems. we'll post a message when this changes.


lex, September 10, 2002 at 5:45:42 PM CEST

I see

Shouldnt one update the text on the antville root page accordingly, just to offer some information to the new users?


flandorfer, September 16, 2002 at 9:37:48 PM CEST

Re: Re: no weblog creation possible

I vote also for a short hint "temporarily not possible" because I also tried today...


GentTurtle, September 18, 2002 at 3:02:31 PM CEST

Re: Re: no weblog creation possible

I also vote for a "new" news when the creation of weblogs is allowed again. II hope the problems get fixed soon.


narscissa, September 18, 2002 at 8:36:25 PM CEST

Re: Re: no weblog creation possible

thanks for telling people. i signed up here to create a weblog and other than telling me i could not, there was no indication as to why. will we be informed when weblogs can be created again or do we just keep hitting the "create new weblog" link at random till it works?


Silverlight, September 20, 2002 at 8:53:05 AM CEST

Re: Re: no weblog creation possible

Yeah, the message is a bit unfriendly. Canyou give us any indication for a timeline on opening up new weblog creation again? And when it's up again, possibly a small note on the homepage indicating this is so? Thanks :)


... comment
stip, September 20, 2002 at 9:39:56 AM CEST

Re: no weblog creation possible

I felt deeply depressed when I read that "I was not allowed..." - when in fact it should read "we don't want anybody to..." Give truth a chance!


seishino, October 9, 2002 at 5:30:23 PM CEST

Re: no weblog creation possible

I agree. It is rare to find a web logging community that transcends the average tortured high school fare. It is also painful to be summarily dismissed from said community without a second glance. Understanding that it is a summary judgement based upon server capacity and not upon, for instance, a script that scans address history, makes that dismissal much less painful and problematic. The Antville people are to be commended for developing a community as rich as they have, and software as strong as it apparently is. Please let us know when you will be accepting new people. I can only hope that this month-long outage is not due to waning interest in the project.


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