Antville Project

migrating antville to a new hop

update: i solved my problem and change this story to reflect the new situation, maybe someone finds it helpful:

i had written:

what i'm trying to do is to get antville from an antclick installation over to another hop wich runs with apache and McKoi at the moment; ...
well, that's what i _thought_. actually, there was no McKoi. I had copied over the data directory and the ~/db/antville directory and changed the obvious settings in ~/apps/antville/ and ~/, but there was no mckoi.jar in the lib dir, let alone an entry in the "%JARS"" variable in hop.bat. once i fixed that, it worked (i still have to fix some paths in the config files, but i'm pretty sure that'll be it).

it was all my fault, because didn't realize that while helma comes with demo applications that need a db, it doesn't come with a db.

now all i need is a howto on getting my antville data out of mckoi and into an oracle db. and, of course, on setting up that db (table definitions...). is something like lying around somewhere?


hns, September 12, 2002 at 2:02:48 PM CEST

Re: migrating antville to a new hop

Probably something to do with the copying, but that's really hard to say without seeing your setup. It's better to leave everything where it is inside the Helma directory.


nex, September 12, 2002 at 2:15:14 PM CEST

Re: Re: migrating antville to a new hop

leave everything where it is? you mean, instead of installing a new hop, i should reconfigure the antville hop to use apache instead? well, that's an option, but actually what i'm doing is practicing for the install on the big server. maybe i could move the whole helma directory over to the server, which also is a windows machine, but it would be cooler if i was able to just move antville over there, because even if i don't have to move an app from one hop to another now, i might need to do that very soon.

so, are there any guidelines for migrating apps to a new hop, known pitfalls, anything? i guess there are two possible points of failure: even the McKoi DB isn't working, or the db itself is okay, but antville doesn't find it. (or both, but i hope not.) what can i do to check that out?

by the way, thanks for your generous help, i'd be absolutely lost without project.antville.

update: i solved my problem and changed my story above to reflect the new situation. but it would still be nice to have guidelines for migrating antville to another hop ;)


hns, September 12, 2002 at 9:06:13 PM CEST

Re: Re: migrating antville to a new hop

but it would still be nice to have guidelines for migrating antville to another hop

If you want to write one you're welcome.


nex, September 12, 2002 at 11:59:10 PM CEST

Re: Re: migrating antville to a new hop

i'm afraid it will need heavy editing before it's useful, but i will summarize "things i learned" for sure once i'm done.


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