Antville Project

antville & odbc

inspired by the discussion at, i tried to connect antville with a microsoft access database via odbc on win2k.

this is what i did so far:

  1. downloaded and installed myodbc 2.5 driver.
  2. imported antville mysql database into access database file antville.mdb.
  3. created system dsn "antville" using access driver and referring to the antville.mdb with u/p permissions antville/antville.
  4. set-up antville's like this: antville.url=jdbc:odbc:antville antville.driver=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver antville.user=antville antville.password=antville.
  5. restarted hop.bat.
everything went fine until pointing the browser to antville main where i get a "resultset is closed" error with every select statement. this error occured under both, 1.31 and 1.4rc, tested java versions.


tobi, February 6, 2002 at 12:34:12 PM CET

direct db

is working...


... comment
tobi, February 6, 2002 at 12:39:19 PM CET

sql exception

java.sql.SQLException: ResultSet is closed at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcResultSet.checkOpen( ) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcResultSet.clearWarnings( 1747) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcResultSet.close( at com.workingdogs.village.DataSet.close( at helma.objectmodel.db.NodeManager.getNodes( at helma.objectmodel.db.WrappedNodeManager.getNodes(WrappedNodeManager.j ava:57) at helma.objectmodel.db.Node.loadNodes( at helma.objectmodel.db.Node.getSubnodeAt( at helma.scripting.fesi.ESNode.getProperty( at helma.scripting.fesi.HopExtension$NodeGet.callFunction(HopExtension.j ava:193) at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(EcmaScriptEvaluateVi at FESI.AST.ASTCompositeReference.jjtAccept( 6) at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(EcmaScriptEvaluateVi at FESI.AST.ASTVariableDeclaration.jjtAccept( :26) at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(EcmaScriptEvaluateVi at FESI.AST.ASTStatement.jjtAccept( at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(EcmaScriptEvaluateVi at FESI.AST.ASTStatementList.jjtAccept( at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.evaluateFunction(EcmaScrip at FESI.Interpreter.Evaluator.evaluateFunction( at FESI.Data.ConstructedFunctionObject.callFunction(ConstructedFunctionO at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at at 0 odbcville/test init

  • 250 odbcville/test execute java.lang.RuntimeException: Error retrieving Nodes: ResultSet is closed at helma.objectmodel.db.WrappedNodeManager.getNodes(WrappedNodeManager.j ava:61) at helma.objectmodel.db.Node.loadNodes( at helma.objectmodel.db.Node.getSubnodeAt( at helma.scripting.fesi.ESNode.getProperty( at helma.scripting.fesi.HopExtension$NodeGet.callFunction(HopExtension.j ava:193) at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(EcmaScriptEvaluateVi at FESI.AST.ASTCompositeReference.jjtAccept(
  1.  at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(EcmaScriptEvaluateVi at FESI.AST.ASTVariableDeclaration.jjtAccept( :26) at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(EcmaScriptEvaluateVi at FESI.AST.ASTStatement.jjtAccept( at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(EcmaScriptEvaluateVi at FESI.AST.ASTStatementList.jjtAccept( at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.evaluateFunction(EcmaScrip at FESI.Interpreter.Evaluator.evaluateFunction( at FESI.Data.ConstructedFunctionObject.callFunction(ConstructedFunctionO at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall( at at

  • 0 odbcville/test init java.lang.RuntimeException: Error retrieving Nodes: ResultSet is closed at at


... comment
hns, February 6, 2002 at 5:49:55 PM CET


Do you have data in the db? is there a weblog object?

Can you try removing this line from root/


Also, can you make a simple root/test.hac and tell me what you get on the following statements (issued separately):

res.write (this.size());

(and, provided there is a weblog in the db)

res.write (this.get(0));


tobi, February 6, 2002 at 6:30:02 PM CET

here we go again

sorry for the late reply... let's see:

i have data in the db (it was successfully imported from the mysql db i used so far with the local antville installation).

i can access the data via direct db, e.g. retrieve a record from the weblog table.

this.get(0) returns the mentioned error (resultset is closed). this means, there is no weblog object.

this.size() returns 2!

after i commented out _subnodes.loadmode=aggressive:

HEY! this.get(0) returns a hopobject!

ok, after that i pointed the browser to antville's main page again and in fact got some more to see. moving forward!

however, there are still errors, apparently the odbc driver does not like the sql syntax (i assume it's the single quotes, i had to use double ones in the direct db test.hac):

[HopMacro error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error retrieving NodeIDs: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntaxfehler in FROM-Klausel.]

(obviously i am using a german treiber, mein herr. should i try the us-english one?)


hns, February 6, 2002 at 7:01:51 PM CET

Next 2 questions

Haven't you used Helma with Access/ODBC already without any problems?

Does the database look ok when you browse it with Access?


tobi, February 6, 2002 at 7:12:03 PM CET


no, i haven't really used helma with access. i think we just connected a simple helma application with odbc for testing purposes one or two years ago. and i have not went any further than that.

well, yes and no. it's ok to use the database in access. but in fact it does look a little bit weird. i just noticed that not all ID fields are set to NUMBER but instead to TEXT... and the PRIMARY KEYs are not set. i am currently modifying this and will see what happens.


... comment
tobi, February 7, 2002 at 11:28:26 AM CET

odbc & simple app

now i tested the whole thing with a totally simple application (the one described in the helma user's guide) and made the following observations:

  1. i get an object not found error when the database is empty
  2. ID columns have to be of the type TEXT(!), otherwise the odbc driver returns an "incompatible data types" error.
  3. the "resultset is closed" error occurs as soon as there is one record in the db.
  4. if i set _subnodes.loadmode = aggressive by purpose(!), reload the page and then unset the loadmode again, the resultset error disappears and i can access the objects (i assume they are in helma's cache now).
  5. at this point i was also able to modify objects (the changes are reflected in the database). did not try out to create new ones, though.
all in all, i consider using .mdb files and odbc together with helma as a rather wobbly venture (at the moment even worse than hsqldb). my intuition tells me that especially point 2 causes big problems. helma creates statements like select ID from WEBLOG where ID = '1' and obviously the jet sql syntax requires an integer (ID = 1) in the "where" clause or a TEXT type for ID in the database...?


hns, February 7, 2002 at 11:38:14 AM CET

Thanks for the report

The id stuff is rather obvious and I think I can fix it. Point 1 and 3 are pretty mysterious, though.


tobi, February 7, 2002 at 3:25:43 PM CET

you're welcome

obvious it might be. however, i did not think that such behaviour should give reason to change java code. well, you must know. so feel free to tell me if you need some further testing with this.


... comment

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