Antville Project

Still a small bug?

From time to time when i take a link to get to an antville log i get 'maximum count reach...'. After refreshing the load it works mostly. Before updating it didnĀ“t happen. Is it a question of system ressources? And what about the hardware. How i remember (?) there is only a quite small Harddisk to work on. It should not be a such big prob to find a solution. I think, that a lot of antvillians would join helpin' to keep antville on work...


hns, September 17, 2002 at 12:31:20 PM CEST

Re: Still a small bug?

Yep, there are still occasional performance problems. Most of time they are related to search engine spider activity. I'm still working on improving Helma to deal with these bursts.

The hardware on which is running is indeed pretty ancient. I personally would welcome an approach to finance new hardware through community support, either by creating a paid "premium" membership or through donations. It's not that easy though, we'd probably have to create a Verein to handle that.

On the other hand, we are also in the talks of getting better hardware donated by one Helma endorser. We'll see which happens (first).


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