Antville Project

no comments possible in stories with polls

i placed a poll in this story here, but it's is not possible, to place a comment there.


hns, September 19, 2002 at 5:16:18 PM CEST

Re: no comments possible in stories with polls

I guess that has nothing to do with the poll. I guess you edited your story editor template today. I guess that when something worked not as expected, your mind said "it's the poll" because that's what it was thinking about in that precise moment, instead of saying "it's the story editor form".

Generally, that's how human minds work. But of course I could be wrong. How many points do I get?


0815tussi, September 19, 2002 at 7:17:38 PM CEST

none I guess, sorry :(

we had this problems before. I've got it in your beloved games-blog g -> here and schlampi had it too, but she deleted that story already :(


hns, September 19, 2002 at 7:22:00 PM CEST

zero points...

it will be hard to carry on life with this defeat. However, I have no idea what the cause of this problem might be.


InnocentX, September 22, 2002 at 4:55:41 PM CEST

maybe this could be interesting

tante kitsch asked me yesterday, how to place a poll in this story, which already had some comments. if you try to place a comment now, you can do this just at the comments, but not to the story itself.


hns, September 22, 2002 at 10:36:06 PM CEST

Re: maybe this could be interesting

Thanks. That's a bug related to caching (rendering text involves several rounds of regular expressions and therefore the results are cached).

It's not related to the poll/comment issue though, as far as I can tell.


robert, September 30, 2002 at 12:19:28 PM CEST

Re: Re: no comments possible in stories with polls

this is a bug. the poll-macro overwrites, which means that the comment is sent to the poll ... i'll try to fix it.


... comment
hns, October 5, 2002 at 6:20:59 PM CEST

Re: no comments possible in stories with polls

I used this occasion to fix the problem. All I had to do was to set in comment/create.hac and story.commentform_macro().

PS: I think using a separate skin parameter would have been a better idea than to putting the form action into Even though it isn't a serious problem since scripts can overwrite the parameter when it's their term.


... comment

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