Antville Project

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Feature Request: Ich wünsche mir ein zusätzliches Input-Field Link bei den Stories, das dann auch im Link-Tag des dazugehörenden RSS-Feeds eingetragen wird.

Damit kann ich dann einfach die Überschriften der Rollberg-Meldungen mit der Quelle verlinken (so wie schon im alten Rollberg).


tobi, February 11, 2002 at 5:49:31 PM CET

link times 2?

i don't quite understand... currently, the <link> tag of a weblog's rss feed contains the url of the story. i don't think i can add another such tag to a story without violating the rss spec... probably i just did not get your feature request? and probably you could detail it a little bit more for pinky-me? (writing in german is just alright with me, though.)


kantel, February 11, 2002 at 5:56:04 PM CET

Ich hätt's halt gerne...

...wie bei den News-Items in Manila. Dort gibst Du ein: title, link und description. Falls das Link-Feld ausgefüllt wird, wird die Überschrift mit dem Inhalt des Linkfeldes verlinkt, wenn nicht, bekommt es die URL der Story (oder bleibt leer, das ist mir egal).

Sinn der Übung ist, daß Du dann vom RSS-Feed direkt auf die Quelle verlinken kannst.

(Schau Dir den alten Rollberg an: Die Überschriften sind automatisch mit der Quelle verlinkt. Ist doch ein nettes Feature, oder?)


tobi, February 12, 2002 at 11:01:46 AM CET

i think i begin to understand. this is a somewhat extensive engagement i'd rather like to pose for discussion. robert?


kris, February 12, 2002 at 11:30:59 AM CET

i talked with hns about it

we thought that adding a couple of custom fields to a story would be nice. you could call them "field1", "field2", etc. or "attribute1" and so on. the use of them and their intergartion is completely left to the experienced site admin. they could serve as link, abstract, category or whatever cool use the site owner might come up with. for example, i am thinking about setting up a german edition of dsr were i use the fields as link to the url of the search request and one as link to the found page.

in case you make this addition it would be great to have an option to show all stories with one particular attribute. e.g. a page similar to the home page with stories belonging to one given category or written by one author or whatever.


robert, February 12, 2002 at 12:09:34 PM CET

adding custom fields

wouldn't be that hard to implement (nice idea, btw). what appears pretty complex to me is to allow the creation of "custom functionality" for site-owners, i.e. what kantel wrote (if custom field 1 is set, let the title be linked to whatever the value of this field is, but if it's not set the title should link to the story itself) or what you mentioned with filtering stories by a specific criteria (which might also be dependend on a value of a custom field). hmm, let's think about it.


kris, February 12, 2002 at 1:16:32 PM CET

custom functions via more flexible macros

how hard is it to add some verbs to be used in templates? something like "if ... then ... else" and comparisons would be sufficient.

about the filtering i mentioned: don't worry to much about the integration in the templates as long as you can can get this via the url, e.g. "?attribute2=blabla&author=blah".


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