Antville Project

no search results in non-public logs : bug or a feature?

Searching for a word or string in a non-public weblog does not find anything. Once you set the log public Search works. Is there a way to get the search feature working in a non-public log?


nex, October 7, 2002 at 3:47:18 PM CEST

Re: no search results in non-public logs : bug or a feature?

i'd rate this as a bug. here's my solution:

it's in the database query in function searchSites (query, sid) in root/objectFunctions.js: a site is only included in the search if it's public. as long as the sid is given, it would be no problem to leave that out, because unauthorized users will be bounced out anyway when using the search feature of an individual antville site. (by the way, there's a bug in there as well, see below.) but if no sid is given and we're searching through all sites (a feature that could be added to the root page at, there's no bouncer and we want to exclude private sites. a quick hack would be to leave that where clause out, but only if a sid is given. i suggest implementing this until someone has a better idea. in the current antville, it wouldn't be a security threat and the users would be happy, because they can search their private sites.

the other bug: function isNotPublic(usr) in site/securityFunctions.js doesn't seem to work properly. because if usr is a user object, it's supposed to yield true in this line:

if (usr && usr.isSysAdmin())
however, it's false! consequently, the site is always determined to be public and the redirect to the login in search.hac is never called.

can anyone reproduce this? does anyone know why the user object equals false?

anyway, that's not a problem, because we can easily replace usr with (usr != null), which works as intended. this means, if the site is not public and you're neither logged in as a SysAdmin, nor as a member, you're bounced to the login page.

disclaimer: i don't have the most recent version of antville installed over here.


nex, October 7, 2002 at 4:55:43 PM CEST


in my comment above, i used the <code> tag several times and the typewriter-font is barely distinguishable from the other text in some places. it would be cool to add a line to the stylesheet that makes the background of '<code>' text a little greyish or something.


update: thanks! looks better than i thought ;-)


... comment
tobi, October 8, 2002 at 11:01:31 AM CEST

Re: no search results in non-public logs : bug or a feature?

searching in private weblogs should be working now. (part of the code explicitely excluded any private weblog from being searched.)


hermannluehrs, October 8, 2002 at 11:23:40 AM CEST

search in non-public logs : works!

Thanks a lot, Tobi! (and nex)


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