Antville Project

rss, next steps

i would like to discuss the next steps of the rss implementation here at antville. here are some questions:

  1. which other formats should we support? 0.93, 1.0, scriptingNews2, ...? btw. what about a special antville format?
  2. what are we going to do with macros? remove them completely? parse and evaluate them, maybe depending on their output (images / text)?
  3. and generally, should an antville rss file contain the whole weblog homepage content or only titles with links?
please read my suggestions inside.


tobi, October 29, 2001 at 7:08:05 PM CET


  1. since 0.93 is still in development, we could leave this one aside for now (but should support it as soon as it is mature). we definitely should offer 1.0 (which could be non-trivial regarding the dublin core and syndication modules). while scriptingNews is very interesting from a writer's point of view, it means more parsing action of the whole content. but it could be worth it, though. furthermore, i could imagine a comma-separated text file or something similarly simple is a good idea as well.
  2. i would like to transform html image tags and macros that produce them into a link or an enclosure (but latter one is restricted to one image per item which makes it not very useful). i would like to stick to a text-only rss output. e.g. rss boxes will get out of shape e.g. when there is a large image inside.
  3. i like the rss renderings that display only a story's title with the appropriate link to the story. nevertheless, i think this is in fact a rendering issue and the rss file should contain the story content as well. inside antville i am thinking of a macro that makes anyone include any rss file and display it as small box with the titles / links only in his antville realm.
what do you think?


... comment
hns, October 29, 2001 at 7:29:59 PM CET

I'm for RSS 1.0

If for now other reason that it's the standard that has been built upon broad consent.


motzes, October 29, 2001 at 11:42:12 PM CET

i am for

bring the new goodies, that are already in the box, online. adele is waiting to get some load. and wasn´t there something related to search mentioned somewhere (hinthint)


... comment
grob, October 30, 2001 at 1:02:53 AM CET

solo mis cinco pesetas

ad 1) we should implement 1.0, leave out scriptingNews, 0.93. ad 2) keep the rss-output text-only, no images. ad 3) whole content (limiting can be done while rendering)


tobi, October 30, 2001 at 10:20:29 AM CET


syndic8 has some statistics about rss versions. seems 0.91 is the most popular one. although 1.0 is obviously not mentioned i assume that this version is referred to by the second number. does anybody know if 1.0 is compatible with 0.91? 0.92 should be.


robert, October 30, 2001 at 10:50:01 AM CET

according to the spec

yes, assuming that parsers ignore what they don't understand. see [Macro not allowed in sandbox:] , section 5.


... comment

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