Antville Project

keeping it simple

my mates say they are highly confused that "place a comment" and "read comments" are two different links and two different functions. they want it to work like and all the other weblogs. i mentioned this behaviour months ago and i got used to it, but apparently this is a serious problem to some.

i think all it needs is a different reply form macro. instead of redirecting the non-member it should simply write a link to to the login page. in doing so the functions of story.main and story.comment can be merged into one script. moreover, what do you think about ditching the two-level discussion in favour of a flat one?


robert, February 21, 2002 at 1:51:26 PM CET

i'm a bit confused ... the story-macro "commentform" either renders the form to add a comment or renders a link to the login-page, so if you want it to work like you can do that: remove the links to "comment" in preview and display-skin of story, and add the macro "commentform" (with optional parameter "text") at the bottom of the fullstory-skin. and if you remove the "reply to this comment!"-link, you get the same flat structure as seen on ... or did i get you wrong?


kris, February 21, 2002 at 1:59:33 PM CET

aah sorry...

oops, it works. when has it changed? anyway, if you make this the default behaviour for all sites you can drop one skin for story.comment.


robert, February 21, 2002 at 2:29:19 PM CET

the commentform-macro as it works now is pretty old, but i fixed a bug half an hour ago that made adding comments via story/main.hac impossible. regarding default-behaviour: i'd like to stick with the way it's now, but this whole topic definetly needs documentation ...


kris, February 21, 2002 at 4:16:56 PM CET

i'm for a change

because otherwise your readers might get the wrong impression that reading comments is members-only and they turn away from your site in disgust.


... comment
hns, February 21, 2002 at 4:47:37 PM CET

I think there are some minor issues with nested comments and comments in general regarding usability.

One is that the link to add a comment to an existing thread is not where you'd expect it - at the end of the thread - but right after the original story or the top-level comment. I'm not sure this is necessitated by the skin structure (I used to think so, but I just checked and it doesn't seem to be after all).

One other thing which is really more about taste than usability is the, well, let's call it verbosity of comment headers. While for stories the header just consists of

(name), (date)

top level comments have

on (date), (name) posted:

and for nested comments:

on (date), (name) answered:

I don't think this is really necessary since the comment role is evident from the layout. What about just using the same (name), (date) header for all stories and comments?


seewolf, February 21, 2002 at 4:59:52 PM CET

in German

Bevor hier Nägel eingeschlagen werden: eine zumindest rudimentäre Thread-Struktur (auch wenn sie nur zweistufig ist) ist angenehm für das Lesen. Da könnte man noch auf die Möglichkeit, Überschriften neu zu erstellen verzichten. Wenn aber gar keine Struktur mehr ersichtlich ist, wird es schwierig, da alles uniform wird.


robert, February 21, 2002 at 7:47:52 PM CET

of course it's better to place the "reply"-link at the bottom of the thread. i quickly changed it here using project's skin-editor, changing the default-skins will follow.


kris, February 21, 2002 at 9:01:55 PM CET


actually the link for the comments on the story should be on the bottom as well.


hns, February 22, 2002 at 7:57:49 AM CET

I agree

with kris - the current setup is a bit confusing.


robert, February 22, 2002 at 10:02:11 AM CET


i agree too.


... comment

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