Antville Project


while i transformed my former blogger weblog into an antville one, i made some observations (and actually some tweaking from these observations) about some antville macros and structures. please read more inside.


tobi, February 26, 2002 at 12:35:07 PM CET
  1. the macros which return an html tag (or structure) come along only with some parameters. e.g. the image macro knows about width, height, alt but does not know about name, title, hspace etc. i think it should be a general requirement for such an html creating macro that every parameter that can be contained in the html tag has to be allowed in the macro, too (certainly, only as far as it makes sense).
  2. the commentcounter macro is great. however, it is hard to make it usable together with the comment macro. i wanted to have a display like "2 comments" as a link to the story with its commentary attached. using the commentlink macro i get the link, but using commentcounter i get another link. i imagine the commentcounter either to only return the number of comments of story that can be embedded in a custom link. in this case, there also should be the possibility to set the "no", "one" and "more" parameters to an empty string (because i do not want to get any further output than just the number of comments). another possibility is to embed the function itself in the commentlink macro, enabled by a parameter switch.
  3. certainly, the weblogs created with antville should wear the name with pride. but i think it should not be hard-coded in the antville actions, though, to appear in the title of every weblog section. instead, i would put the "Antville - " part into the skins by default. this way, the name will be there in the beginning but if someone wants to get rid of it she does not have to fiddle around in the .hac files.
  4. the search output definitely needs skins for customization.
  5. i think we should provide some macros or parameters for string processing. would be a neat feature (e.g. if i want to set the output of a macro to uppercase... but wait: maybe that could be done with stylesheets anyway?)
  6. a simpler set of skins is still be needed (i do like the default skinset, but actually they are pretty advanced, too). i encourage ourselves to develop something like the theme feature and deliver an appropriate set of additional skins (maybe we can do a theme contest?)


kris, February 26, 2002 at 12:54:15 PM CET

re 2:

we had a discussion about this issue last week. as i said before and as the implementation of my sites proves, the story.comment url is pointless.


tobi, February 26, 2002 at 1:00:55 PM CET

uh, i considered that discussion merely being about login and stuff and i think i added some more points (that certainly could lead in the same direction as desired last week).


hns, February 26, 2002 at 1:05:34 PM CET

re 3:

No, let's get rid of "Antville - " in the title! I don't think it's normal that a website should have the name of the underlying technology or the website hoster in the title!


kris, February 26, 2002 at 1:24:03 PM CET

and while you're at it

maybe the server messages could be made editable/localizable. one xml file with all server output should do the job.


hns, February 26, 2002 at 1:29:37 PM CET


I'm afraid that won't happen "while we're at it". But I agree it would be a desirable feature.

The way this is usually and best handled is with properties files, not XML. Maybe we could use the Helma skin feature to parameterize localized messages.


kris, February 26, 2002 at 2:55:23 PM CET

xml file

oh, i didn't talk about the implemantation issue. i thought an xml file as interface is fine for customization, because it's an advanced feature. you can put the file into the yet to be created skin path. how to parse and convert the elements into properties is an entirely different story.

but now back to the initial discussion. i made another observation: why is the creation of thumbnails an option? if you ask me, you can remove the checkbox. i don't know any reason why someone doesn't want thumbnails.


robert, February 26, 2002 at 10:24:17 PM CET

first, congrats to p3k new and shiny ;-)

ad 1) +1 ad 2) yes, i know. i think best would be to remove the default add-on-text of this macro (so that it would display per default just the number of comments), and either add a linkto-option or leave it plain as it is. ad 3) i agree with you: placing "Antville" plus the weblog-name into the default-pageskins would be much better (so there's just one place to remove it if wanted). And henso, i don't think it's that "bad" to build in the name of the hoster/technology into the page-title if we make it easy to remove it. ad 4) yes, i think so too ad 5) i'm not sure if this is really needed, and i think this would boost up the complexity of antville's macro-structure even more. ad 6) absolutely. in the moment helma is capable to manage "themes", this will be an important issue (and i really like henso's idea).


robert, February 26, 2002 at 10:42:53 PM CET

server messages

regarding server-messages: i once tried to customize server-messages with java property-files, but i could not get it working without adding these properties-files as .jar-files into classpath (which to me is pretty clumsy). nevertheless, i'd like to see this split up into two portions: first, antville should be able to localize server-messages depending on the language-definition in weblog-preferences (that's why i tried this stuff out), and second: yes, i think those who are really advanced users of antville should be able to customize these messages. anyway, this is a major thing (and pretty complex to implement).


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