Antville Project

wow! (...and some question :)

i just noticed that the image manager does actually downsize the pictures. really cool! as a consequence i wanted to change the input form such that the default width of an image is 400. apparently, the this.input macro doesn't have a optional parameter for default (and no "hidden" option, too). but then, i don't really need this macro, do i? i could just create a custom form to fit my need.

what is the idea of these complicated macros, if i could easily get along without them? the same could be said about the prefix and suffix options. why should i use them rather than writing the HTML fragment before or after the macro?

where can i find the skin for a new story? i would like to enable the "is online" checkbox by default or hide this feature completely.


robert, August 8, 2001 at 12:00:34 PM CEST

of course

you could also use a custom form to get the default width, it's up to you. the reason for these input-macros is that in some cases there are values rendered in a form-element (i.e. if you register and your passwords are not matching, you won't have to type your username again because the macro renders it).

the reason for prefix and suffix is just that in some cases (not in all, at least not until now) those two options are only rendered if there is i.e. a title.

the skin for new story is the same for editing a story ("edit" in story).


kris, August 8, 2001 at 12:17:59 PM CEST


great. changed it. btw, if anyone is interested in my site modifications, drop me a note.


krisinho, August 8, 2001 at 1:08:40 PM CEST


i just played with the "who may edit" option and i noticed "admin/contrib only" means actually "admin/contrib and owner". however, the only one who can delete a story is the owner. i am not sure if this is a bug, but i think the persons that are allowed to edit should be able to delete the stories.


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