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November 5, 2001 at 2:28:15 PM CET
getting started i just wanted to install my own antville application on macos x, but i have no idea where to start. where do i go to download? what do i need? is it included in the helma package or what do i need to install before? thanks.
November 5, 2001 at 2:50:20 PM CET
Try Chris' antclick package: www.langreiter.com. The embedded hsql database does have a bug that will cause entries to appear in wrong order, so eventually you may want to use another database like MySQL, but it's a good place to start. Probably you'll have to set hop.sh to executable and possibly fix some other minor things.
November 5, 2001 at 4:11:15 PM CET
antclick doesn't work as expected let me say first that i'm still completely clueless, because i just installed macos x. however, doubleclick on hop.sh brings up a dialog box asking me to select a program to open it. which program do i have to use? i was able to start hop.sh in the terminal window, but the server didn't respond.
November 5, 2001 at 4:14:20 PM CET
when you started hop.sh in terminal-window, what happened? is the path to java in hop.sh correct? is helma complaining about something in it's logfiles?
November 5, 2001 at 4:28:37 PM CET
apparently i run an out of the box 10.1. here is what i see in the terminal: [finch:~/antclick-0.1.1] kris% ./hop.sh The Helma main class is now in helma.main.Server. Please update your start script accordingly. [2001/11/05 16:28] propfile = /Users/kris/antclick-0.1.1/server.properties [2001/11/05 16:28] hopHome = /Users/kris/antclick-0.1.1 [2001/11/05 16:28] dbPropfile = /Users/kris/antclick-0.1.1/db.properties [2001/11/05 16:28] appsPropfile = /Users/kris/antclick-0.1.1/apps.properties [2001/11/05 16:28] Locale = de_DE [2001/11/05 16:28] TimeZone = Central European Time [2001/11/05 16:28] Starting XML-RPC server on port 5056 [2001/11/05 16:28] Building application antville [Mon Nov 05 16:28:42 CET 2001] helma.servlet.AcmeServletClient: init [Mon Nov 05 16:28:42 CET 2001] helma.servlet.AcmeServletClient: init [Mon Nov 05 16:28:42 CET 2001] helma.servlet.AcmeServletClient: init [Mon Nov 05 16:28:42 CET 2001] helma.servlet.AcmeServletClient: init [2001/11/05 16:28] Building application base [2001/11/05 16:28] Binding application antville [2001/11/05 16:28] Binding application base [2001/11/05 16:28] Serving static content from /Users/kris/antclick-0.1.1/static [Mon Nov 05 16:28:42 CET 2001] helma.servlet.AcmeFileServlet: init [Mon Nov 05 16:28:42 CET 2001] helma.servlet.AcmeFileServlet: init that's it. no prompt or something.
November 5, 2001 at 4:52:19 PM CET
that looks ok, actually try connecting your browser to localhost:8080
November 5, 2001 at 5:03:26 PM CET
aaaaaaah, not 7777 the readme suggested port 7777. i just did a port scan and noticed activity on 8080. alright, cheers.
November 5, 2001 at 5:05:49 PM CET
Datasource is not defined: antville uh-oh! i have the mainpage with loads of errors. i can't create a new site, though.
November 5, 2001 at 5:09:39 PM CET
That's a bug in the antclick package then... Did you download version 0.1.1?
November 5, 2001 at 5:16:59 PM CET
easy, mate :-) before i download i need to get cvs running. it also looks like the system doesn't know what to do with .sh files. i haven't found an equivalent to pc-exchange or resedit to change this.
November 5, 2001 at 5:27:37 PM CET
just to be sure do you start helma by entering ./hop.sh from the installation directory? only hop.sh won't work most of the time. if you want to change the opening app for .sh files you surely can do that via the information window (command-i). however, this is only useful to e.g. map a text editor to shell scripts.
November 5, 2001 at 7:04:19 PM CET
i did that (see above) i feel like back in the last millennium doing all these command line tricks. just to summarise it for future reference: i had three problems
November 6, 2001 at 8:51:19 AM CET
slightly off-topic what exactly is this bug in the embedded hsql database about? can it be fixed from within helma or is it in the hsqldb java code?
November 6, 2001 at 9:27:48 AM CET
the "order by" is ignored in "group by" queries. it should be fixed in hsql, i.e. reported to its developers.
November 6, 2001 at 3:20:17 PM CET
sorry, to say this. the installation is much trickier than expected. simply replacing the antville directory doesn't do the job. i actually expected i would be able to get antville running without any initial knowledge, but i guess i have to go back and do my homework and read about sql, hop, java, unix etc.
November 6, 2001 at 3:26:56 PM CET
easy mate 2 just tell us what's not working. java and unix -- i don't think that you have to go that far. :) maybe it's just a matter of configuration in one of the .properties files?
November 6, 2001 at 3:43:49 PM CET
nah it is as easy as download and click and you don't have to go into the technical details. But you have to remember that antville hasn't been released yet. What you're using is a package that Chris put together quickly, and obviously you're the first one to test it on Mac OS X. That's why you're running into all the bumps, obviously.
November 6, 2001 at 3:45:12 PM CET
let's start with the out-of-the-box thing i decompressed antclick 0.1.1 and started hop.sh in the terminal window. the result is a [HopMacro error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error counting Node: Datasource is not defined: antville.] for every macro call. looks like i have to create a database, but h-h-h-how?
November 6, 2001 at 3:49:14 PM CET
yes you'll have to create the db. That should happen by visiting a URL. It should be described in the README file somewhere.
November 6, 2001 at 3:57:33 PM CET
createtables result: Error in application 'antville': Runtime error DbSource antville does not exist detected at line 14 of function 'createTables_action' in string starting with: 'function createTables_action (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10) {'... the first line in the terminal window after the start is The Helma main class is now in helma.main.Server. Please update your start script accordingly. what does this mean?
November 6, 2001 at 4:04:07 PM CET
The Helma main class message is not a problem. What's going on is probably a line separator issue on MacOS X. I suspect the db.properties file (either in the Helma root directory or in apps/antville) does have Windows line breaks. Try open that file in an editor, re-break the lines and save it.
November 6, 2001 at 5:56:58 PM CET
hop.bat != hop.sh lib/hsqldb.jar was missing in hop.sh. cheers, tobi. also, the port for win is 7777 as written in the readme and 8080 for the unix-systems.
November 7, 2001 at 10:57:59 AM CET
don't try to cheat on us with your blatant camouflage tricks! i know you are wearing glasses so this can't be you. ... comment
November 5, 2001 at 2:59:13 PM CET
i don't know how recent the antville-snapshot in cris' antclick is, so maybe you should also get a cvs-client for osX and fetch antville from helma-cvs. ... comment
November 5, 2001 at 3:23:55 PM CET
maybe you want try CVL [Macro not allowed in sandbox: comment.link] i had some problems getting the builtin CVS-client running. CVL is a GUI-version. it worked fine for me. there are some docs of the builtin cvs-client in the documentation of the developer tools. /Developer/Documentation/Commands/cvs
November 5, 2001 at 4:52:26 PM CET
classic and all the mac cvs clients listed here should certainly work fine under mac os classic even from within os x (i recommend using macCVS pro, btw). And please take care about the settings, especially that you are using UNIX linefeeds.
November 5, 2001 at 9:56:51 PM CET
cvs i couldn't get macCVS pro to connect neither to your server nor to the demo server included in the package. MacCVSClient-1.6 works fine. so i stick to this till i figure out where the built-in cvs is hidden. way too many new programs and concepts for one day.
November 6, 2001 at 12:25:04 AM CET
darwin cvs is included in the developer's cd only (ie. it won't be installed by default with the "normal" os x installer cd). ... comment
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