Antville Project

Shocking Moments

It happened to me twice today that clicking one of the recently-modified-items in my weblog produced a strange outcome. I still get "my" url in the address-field, but a completely different page (see screenshot at left). When I reloaded the page, everything was alright again.


hns, November 14, 2002 at 1:25:53 PM CET

Re: Shocking Moments

The other time this happened - was it a page from the same weblog or a different one?


tinto, November 14, 2002 at 3:03:42 PM CET

Re: Re: Shocking Moments

the same thing ("zack boing") happened to my site too (some time ago)


... comment
hns, November 14, 2002 at 2:36:08 PM CET


I've checked the log files and there's some evidence that the bug happens /after/ Helma processed the request. Helma log file says:

antville/zack/RPC2 0 marked, 0 inserted, 0 updated, 0 deleted ... antville/mehrwortsteuer/stories/205043 0 marked, 0 inserted, 0 updated, 0 deleted ...

so Helma correctly processes both requests. (Also the processing times suggest that the mehrwortsteuer page has actually been generated). However, in the Apache log file we have

"POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.0" 404 20071 ... "GET /stories/205043/ HTTP/1.1" 404 20071

Thus both requests suddenly have the same response code and the same response length. I am pretty sure that this does not happen in Helma after the requests were handled separately and correctly. The main suspect for me is mod_jk, which also generates huge error logs on antville. I'm all for updating mod_jk as soon as possible and see if the error log ends.


robert, November 14, 2002 at 3:33:21 PM CET

Re: OK

i've done the update right now, please report if the error still occurs (it doesn't do for me). but mod_jk is still producing this strange messages in error.log


hns, November 14, 2002 at 3:45:17 PM CET


I've updated too ... doppelt hält besser ;-)


Chronistin, November 14, 2002 at 4:07:40 PM CET


you guys are quick. Thx!


hns, November 14, 2002 at 5:13:19 PM CET

Re: OK

So next thing we might want to try is update Jetty. We are running 4.1.0, and there have been AJP13 changes in 4.1.2, and the current stable version is 4.1.3. (We might even go with 4.2.0 rc1, which is tagged "Stable Candidate".)


robert, November 14, 2002 at 11:42:59 PM CET

Re: OK

while we're at it: i think we should do some more updates: helma-snapshot (afaik the only thing that's incompatible is the use of res.notModified() in two actions), upgrade to apache 1.3.27, and the jetty-upgrade is necessary too. i'll try to do that this weekend.


... comment

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