Antville Project


first of all: sorry for the outage of between 0:15 and 1:00. i had to do alot of maintenance tonight, and it wasn't possible without switching antville off. here's what i did:

  • switched to apache 1.3.26 (compiled from sources), restructured apache-config. the home-directory of apache has changed too (and more important: the config is not anymore where it used to be on suse-systems)
  • compiled and installed mod_jk 1.2 from sources (for some hidden reasons apache was pretty unwilling to start with the precompiled binary ...)
  • cleaned and optimized accesslog-table in database
  • switched to helma-snapshot compiled on 20021120

and btw.: anybody knows why the f*** j2sdk1.4.1 needs a hidden directory /etc/.java/? obviously it leads to timeouts in image-upload if this directory is not existing (thanks kris for your report, but you deleted your story before i was able to comment ;-)

so now for the more interesting things: due to the switch to a new helma-version the following problems are solved:

  1. there are no problems anymore with spaces encoded as '+' in urls.
  2. since hns changed the gif-encoder used in helma (big thanks!) the problems with uploading gifs (some of them would throw a lengthy error) are gone too.

if any of the above problems still occur please report them here.


alex63, November 21, 2002 at 2:33:28 AM CET

Re: server-maintenance

heute fiel mir auf, dass ich mich bei jedem zugriff auf mein blog (insbes. stories) neu einloggen musste. hat das mit der oben angesprochenen operation zu tun oder könnte das ein lokales problem bei mir sein?

danke schon mal im voraus.


kris, November 21, 2002 at 8:19:58 AM CET

für alex63


... comment
kris, November 21, 2002 at 8:26:17 AM CET

image upload problems

i was able to upload one image last night, but every other attempt timed out.


robert, November 21, 2002 at 8:56:39 AM CET

Re: image upload problems

i did several image-uploads last night, and it worked fine. but something is fishy ... Update: should work again now (damn Xvfb!)


michi, November 23, 2002 at 4:46:00 PM CET

damn Xvfb!

right you are. that's the only thing which still makes installation a pain. i'm right now fighting with a fresh new server, where i got Xvfb finally up and running, but each time i try to instantiate a new image, i get a Time-Out, together with a StackTrace in the log-file, complaining about java.lang.InternalError: Current locale is not supported

have you run into a similar problem yet?


robert, November 23, 2002 at 6:41:37 PM CET


never had something like this. the installation of Xvfb was actually never a problem, but it seems to have some sort of problems: after some weeks of running it suddently stops working. the only way to solve that is to restart Xvfb - that's why we included killing/starting Xvfb in the helma-startscript here. if the problem persists send me a mail with more details, maybe i can help you.


... comment
txema, November 21, 2002 at 11:42:52 AM CET

Re: server-maintenance

Help, I lost the images of the header...


robert, November 21, 2002 at 12:06:58 PM CET

Re: Re: server-maintenance

i doubt that this has to do with the server-update: your script for switching the header-images doesn't produce any file-extensions (.gif, .jpg ...). that's why they're not found.


txema, November 21, 2002 at 12:18:18 PM CET

Re: Re: server-maintenance

ok. i try to add the file-extensions, so the images are found before de server-update :-) thanks


... comment
hjh, November 21, 2002 at 6:54:23 PM CET

Re: server-maintenance

  1. there are no problems anymore with spaces encoded as '+' in urls.

Does it mean <% story.topic %> will work properly? It didn't work before if the topic name had a space inside.


robert, November 21, 2002 at 7:25:55 PM CET

Re: Re: server-maintenance



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