Antville Project

cookies and security-issues

to fix a security-hole in antville we had to change the cookie-creation and -handling three days ago. as some of you already noticed the "remember me"-feature seems to work differently. this is because of our fix, and unfortunatly it seems to be the only possible solution:

from now on the "remember me"-feature will only work for those who have a static ip-address, for most modem/adsl-users it won't resp. just as long as they they keep their ip-address. this is because we're now using the client-ip as part of the key that is stored in one of the cookies used by the "remember me"-feature.

those who have antville installed somewhere should update their installations (the fix is already in cvs, in both the main- and the need_for_speed-branch). to give you a brief description: before it was possible for a weblog-owner to retrieve the "remember-me"-cookies of visitors and use them to log in as a differnt user. this has never happened (afaik), but of course we had to fix the hole.

sorry for the inconvenience.


alex63, November 22, 2002 at 1:08:47 AM CET

Re: cookies and security-issues

in my case the remember me works in the office but doesn't work at home. can i make it work at home by clearing the cookies at work?


alex63, November 22, 2002 at 10:12:29 PM CET

Re: Re: cookies and security-issues

i just lost a post at home because of this annoying remember me thing. it asks me to log in and presents me an empty post afterwards. this reminds me (in a bad way) very much of my old blogger times. actually at work today (worldcom isdn permanent connection i think) i also had to log in. that really is a nuisance.


... comment
mutant, November 22, 2002 at 2:39:49 AM CET

breaks comfortability

for me totally. i'm working with a static ip the whole day on an ibook. when i get back home and switch to my adsl environment, i have lotsa problems. makes antville almost unusable. more on this tomorrow, getting tired now.

[update]:(in german, sorry for the inconvinience)

ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, das diese loesung eines vermeintlichen problems der antville-community das genick brechen wird. kaum einer hat eine feste ip und wenn man zwischen environments(wie uni +zuhause) switched, ist man eh gefi**t. staendig cookies loeschen und browser neu starten etc, das macht kein spass. denkt da bitte noch mal drueber nach. siehe auch zb beim seewolf.


... comment

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