Antville Project

missing pictures

i downloaded the latest antville version from the cvs and managed to get it running with mysql (here is an excellent mysql package for macos x). everything looks cool. i've seen some of the skins before ;-)

however, the pictures included in the default templates are missing. can you please put the latest version of the "static" folder somewhere on a server.

two other things: the "helma.objectmodel.db.server" pops up as an application if i upload an image and i can't upload goodies. do i have to tweek the "" included in the antclick package?


tobi, November 8, 2001 at 5:09:45 PM CET

actually, i had the same trouble with the images when i checked out antville from cvs. robert, could you please help on that one?

ad helma.objectmodel.db.server: what do you mean by "pops up as an application"?


kris, November 8, 2001 at 5:23:04 PM CET

pop up

i have a coffee cup in the dock and an active application with a white window:

re: goodies. i found the uploaded file in the static directory, but not listed on the goodie-pool page.


tobi, November 8, 2001 at 5:37:26 PM CET


this is cool. ;->

i will verify this on my mac when i am at home and let you know later.


... comment
robert, November 8, 2001 at 10:02:43 PM CET

no wonder

that you recognize some skins ;-) re: default images: i'll check them into cvs tomorrow (if it works) - forgot them in the office. re: goodie-upload: if something goes wrong with goodie-upload you shouldn't find the file in the static-directory, but there might be a bug ... i'll have a look. anything special in the event-log?


kris, November 8, 2001 at 11:09:02 PM CET


on goodie upload i get a redirect to "create". my test installation is on my computer at work and i won't be able to check it until monday (thank god ;-).


robert, November 8, 2001 at 11:33:40 PM CET


helma writes some logfiles (usually in subdirectory "logs" in your helma installation directory), and you should be able to see what's going on there by typing "tail -f antville_event[serialnr].log" (where [serialnr] could be something like 00001) - but since you get redirected to "create" after goodie-upload, i assume the file was too big - check the message in the right of the header.


robert, November 9, 2001 at 12:50:15 PM CET


are now in cvs (


kris, November 29, 2001 at 2:47:13 PM CET

my eventlog

  1. start: [2001/11/29 14:36] Starting evaluators for antville [2001/11/29 14:36] set up node cache (1000) [2001/11/29 14:36] Warning: Using internal file based db as fallback. [2001/11/29 14:36] Reason: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no db_java-3.2 in java.library.path [2001/11/29 14:39] updated: Node user/1

  2. image upload and app pops up: [2001/11/29 14:44] inserting relational node: 27 [2001/11/29 14:44] inserted: Node image/27 [2001/11/29 14:44] inserting relational node: 28 [2001/11/29 14:44] inserted: Node image/28

  3. goodie upload: [2001/11/29 14:46] inserting relational node: 1 [2001/11/29 14:46] Closing DB connection: [2001/11/29 14:46] antville/test/goodies/create aborted after 57 millis [2001/11/29 14:46] ### Exception in antville/test/goodies/create: com.workingdogs.village.DataSetException: Column name: REQUESTCNT does not exist!


tobi, November 29, 2001 at 3:05:42 PM CET

ad errors

the error in the first part("using internal db") is nothing serious, just normal when you don't use any third-party object database.

the second part shows a totally correct insert of new data in the relational database table. must be something with the java configuration on mac os x. apologies for not having checked this on a mac. i will make up leeway.

to understand the goodie upload error i might need a while. want to check this out myself. just one first thought: did you check the mysql table GOODIE if the column REQUESTCNT is really missing?

it seems that your goodie is successfully uploaded, the error occurs when trying to display it...


kris, November 29, 2001 at 3:54:29 PM CET

i actually intend to use mysql

i configured the properties files to use mysql, which runs on the same machine.

upload seams to work, as i find the goodies in my directory. here is my goodie table:

mysql> show columns from goodie;
| Field       | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ID          | mediumint(9) |      | PRI | 0       |       |
| WEBLOG_ID   | mediumint(9) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| ALIAS       | tinytext     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| MIMETYPE    | tinytext     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| FILE        | tinytext     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| FILESIZE    | mediumint(9) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| DESCRIPTION | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| CREATETIME  | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| CREATOR     | mediumint(9) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| MODIFYTIME  | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| MODIFIER    | mediumint(9) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

do i have to build all tables again? and how?


robert, November 29, 2001 at 4:03:59 PM CET

just use:

alter table GOODIE add column REQUESTCNT mediumint(9) null after DESCRIPTION;

i simply forgot the column in antville.sql (but it's already fixed in CVS).


kris, November 29, 2001 at 4:04:31 PM CET


robert answered via mail. he fixed some of the problems. looks like only the pop-up problem remains.


tobi, November 29, 2001 at 4:06:43 PM CET

no, robert always thoughtfully adds sql patch files you can import to your existing mysql database. since obviously the column REQUESTCNT is missing indeed but all the others are there, i recommend that you simply add the column via mysql shell:

> use antville; > alter table GOODIES add column REQUESTCNT mediumint null after DESCRIPTION;

(i hope this works)


tobi, November 29, 2001 at 4:11:45 PM CET

ARGH, i was too late. all written for nothing! robert, why don't you just enjoy your holidays? or go learn some spanish words, will you?! ;->


kris, November 29, 2001 at 4:32:50 PM CET

¡felices vacaciones!

alright. the latest stuff from the cvs works well, but the pop-up mistery remains.


motzes, November 29, 2001 at 4:55:31 PM CET


ich bin dafür, dass er spanish lernt, sí,sí que es no mala idea .)) o no idea mala? no sé


robert, November 29, 2001 at 4:58:57 PM CET

i'm not on vacation!

seems like a funny two-way-communication (mail and weblog ...) just to make things clear: i'm still (tele-)working here, and desperatly trying to learn spanish as well ;-) holidays will start in december (mid of), so until then ...

regarding the popup: it might be that the problem is your script starting helma. maybe you should try to add the following at the end of the line where you're starting java:

> log/hop.log


>> log/hop.log

(this simply redirects the output to a file named hop.log). maybe this helps.


kris, November 29, 2001 at 5:23:47 PM CET


it redirects the console output only. actually not everything, just these 13 lines

[2001/11/29 17:21] Starting Helma 1.2pre2 2001/11/28
[2001/11/29 17:21] propfile = /Users/kris/helmastuff/
[2001/11/29 17:21] hopHome = /Users/kris/helmastuff
[2001/11/29 17:21] dbPropfile = /Users/kris/helmastuff/
[2001/11/29 17:21] appsPropfile = /Users/kris/helmastuff/
[2001/11/29 17:21] Locale = de_DE
[2001/11/29 17:21] TimeZone = Central European Time
[2001/11/29 17:21] Starting XML-RPC server on port 5056
[2001/11/29 17:21] Building application antville
[2001/11/29 17:21] Building application base
[2001/11/29 17:21] Binding application antville
[2001/11/29 17:21] Binding application base
[2001/11/29 17:21] Serving static content from /Users/kris/helmastuff/static


robert, November 29, 2001 at 6:02:33 PM CET

that's ok

this is just the console output (the rest is written to event_* and access_* logfiles plus hop*). maybe someone who has osX-experience could solve that? tobi? i'm pretty clueless ...


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