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March 8, 2002 at 12:54:45 PM CET
private weblogs henso opened a topic that needs a solution: should antville.org allow private weblogs? since the current way (let them exist, but list them in the recent-update-list on antville.org's frontpage so that we get a clue about their "activity") is not what i would call a "solution", we have to find a new one. regarding antville.org's policy, i'd propose private weblogs should not be allowed anymore (because nobody of us - meaning the maintainers of antville.org - has the time/nerve to observe them, and the current version of antville is also not helpful at all in this case). so, the question is: should the application antville keep the feature or not? the simplest way would be to remove the "private weblog"-feature in antville(-code) and delete all currently existing private weblogs (they'll have to find a new home). or should we implement a "feature switch" in antville, so that it would be up to the maintainers of antville-installations if private weblogs are allowed or not - much like "allowGoodies" works now (in case of antville.org, it would be disabled).
March 8, 2002 at 1:22:01 PM CET
Traurig es ist im eigentlich so kurzen Leben des Web und auch des gesamten Internets immer dasselbe. Da gibt es Features, die einfach nett sind, und dann kommt irgendein Kamel und alle anderen haben den Dreck. Ich verstehe die Reaktion als solche, man kann halt nur noch reagieren, aber vielleicht kann man heutzutage einen Weg finden, der dem Feature eine Chance läßt. Das geht einher mit der Frage nach Kommerz a la "private weblogs kosten". Ich bin antville wirklich dankbar für die Plattform und nach wie vor begeistert über die Kostenfreiheit. Mir ist aber auch klar, daß es keinen Spaß machen kann, für lau auch noch den Kopf hinhalten zu müssen. Ich habe bisher ein kleines privates Log für Freunde betrieben, um gegenseitig Fotos und Nachrichten austauschen zu können. Es wird leider nicht so angenommen wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte. Daher kann ich zur Not drauf verzichten, wüßte aber gar nicht, wie man es löscht. Problematisch ist es mit Weblogs für Benutzergruppen, die ein berechtigtes Interesse (Frauensleut unter sich, und so) an Privatheit haben. Für das Hosten meines öffentlichen würd ich zur Not auch was löhnen.
March 8, 2002 at 1:36:18 PM CET
das problem ist nicht die kohle (ich bin auch strikt dagegen, antville.org zu einem kostenpflichtigen service zu machen), das problem ist mehr die wartung an sich bzw. die zeit, die dabei draufgeht. persönlich hab ich auch nix gegen weblogs für private nutzergruppen (weder ideologisch noch sonstwie), und bislang hat auch niemand dieses feature hier missbraucht. nur bin ich auch dagegen, solange zu warten bis es jemand macht. wenn antville.org-weblogs prinzipiell online sind, ist die gefahr halt viel geringer. und antville hat den vorteil, dass man es downloaden kann, d.h. wer ein private log haben will, kann es auch haben. ... comment
March 8, 2002 at 1:53:14 PM CET
I'm still against removing the offline switch. As I said over at henso.com, this is very handy for people who just want to give the software a spin, people who are in the process of setting up a weblog and don't want the half finished one to be on line, or people with sudden need to take their weblog offline for whatever reason. My proposal: We could add a feature that if a weblog has been offline for, say, one month, it is "locked down" even for members and must be reactivated by one of the server admins. Maybe the duration should even be shorter, like one or two weeks. Of course we'd have to give people some warning, maybe in the welcome message when they create their weblog, of this policy. Somewhat related to this is the question of how to dispose of dead weblogs...
March 8, 2002 at 1:56:48 PM CET
and more please also consider that some people really might want to have their whole antville data removed, resp. downloaded. ... comment
March 8, 2002 at 3:18:43 PM CET
"private" thoughts I guess you have quite a good impression of the private Weblogs created so far and as you mentiond above, no one has violated any rules and/or laws so far. So why shut them down now? Let the old ones alive and disable the function only for new entries. Thats maybe not really fair, but as we all know: Life is not fair... This solution would also keep the private logs of the maintainers alive, which was the main reason for creating this feature, if I got that right. Somebody mentioned the possibility of downloading antville and create his private weblog anyway. Unfortunately, I am not a technical wizzard...: Does that mean that if I want, I can download an existing Weblog into my private webspace and have all the same (btw, very nice) features available? Only difference would be that it won't appear on the antville.org page if updated, right? I guess, for some private weblog hosts this could be an acceptable alternative. btw, I don't have a private one (so far ;-))
March 8, 2002 at 3:59:02 PM CET
Re: keeping existing private blogs This is ok with me if it's technically feasible (depending on what we decide to implement), especially if there's some "chain of trust" from one of us Antville people to those private bloggers (as may be the case). We could then also de-list them from the update list, in which case they would be really private at last. Re: downloading/exporting Antville blogs We would like to offer this feature. Currently, the only way to export Antville blogs is having a server operator doing a database dump.
March 8, 2002 at 4:03:40 PM CET
Well I guess saunabiber doesn't want to be removed from the update list ;-)
March 8, 2002 at 6:44:05 PM CET
The only method I know to have a backup of my weblog is to change the days in frontpage preference to a ridiculously big number, and then choosing "save as" in MSIE ;) I think downloading the weblog in XML or similar would be better, though. ... comment
March 8, 2002 at 11:57:55 PM CET
thoughts and questions... ...i followed the discussion at hensos's and i can understand the reservation against the special case of the vip-log, but not against private logs in general. they come in handy for all kinds of group activity and for some special purposes - eg i keep one over at blogger's for backup reasons (when i'm writing on my notebook far away from home i copy my text fragments there just in case i lose the notebook or somebody decides to pur some schnaps on it again or whatever). i don't really understand the legal (?) concerns. people with illegal content usually try to make money on it - how should this be done on antville? just my two öres ;-)
March 9, 2002 at 1:17:45 PM CET
antville.org is not the salvation army, is it? the purpose of antville.org is, as far as i understand,
about the legal concerns: believe it or not, there are loads of dickheads who distribute illegal content for free--just because they think it is cool or they are cool or whatever.
March 9, 2002 at 2:52:20 PM CET
i hope not ;-) antville consists of two parts: the application and antville.org. this discussion might be somehow misleading, because it's a mixture of a) antville.org's (future) policy and b) the application itself. not allowing private weblogs (or limiting them to those run by "trusted" people) has to be and will be part of the future policy of antville.org just because (as i said above) nobody has the time/nerve (and 'til now also not really the tools) to observe them. this doesn't mean that support for private weblogs will be removed in antville (the application) - i strongly believe that antville has to offer that. if we can find a way to allow private weblogs run by trusted people on antville.org, we'll do that (i'm currently trying to find a nice way to implement it). ad legal concerns: since private weblogs in the current antville-application are really "private", there is a big chance this might become a problem (although nothing illegal happened 'til now - this for sure has a lot to do with the people running public weblogs here and the environment they created, which i'm very happy about).
March 9, 2002 at 6:22:28 PM CET
Actually, my main reason for wanting something like antville.org is that I want something like antville.org, but otherwise kris is right. ... comment
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