Antville Project

future of antclick

as hsqldb has a bug (the order/groupie one) which makes running antville sites not that much fun (or rather random fun), what database should a future antclick use? any suggestions? do you think it's feasible to include mysql in the distribution (for my taste it's rather fat)? furthermore, are there any takers wrt/ unix/mac versions of antclick - I'll defintely try to keep the win32 version up to date on about a semiweekly schedule, but I definitely won't go the dreadful miles of checking functionality on 7 different platforms.


tobi, November 10, 2001 at 2:02:06 PM CET

i really like the hsql database in symbiosis with helma. certainly, this bug is a real pain. however, i think we should not give up on hsqldb immediately.

question is, did anybody already report the bug to the developers? is there a chance that it will be fixed, soon? or are there even more bugs that give helma a hard time?

i agree upon that mysql is a pretty fat distribution and if it shouldn't be hsqldb i don't even have a clue which other options we have.


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hns, November 10, 2001 at 2:48:58 PM CET

Change a nice library for one little bug? Software has bugs, and this one is trivial to work around (just change the direction of the loop) and probably easy to fix (once we get around to get in touch with the developers - I was actually on my way doing this but was somehow overwhelmed by the labyrinthine sourceforge infrastrucure with its multiple communication channels. But I know it's not yet in their bug tracker).

Don't update semiweekly. Update when there's a major release. And don't worry about checking on different platforms. People will get in touch if they care enough.


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robert, November 10, 2001 at 3:49:54 PM CET

i think antclick should stick with hsqldb, mysql is by far much too oversized (and i'm not sure if their license allows bundling). and i agree with hns: do updates when there is a major release. after all there's anonymous cvs if one really wants to get the latest snapshot of antville.


chris, November 11, 2001 at 2:01:11 PM CET


below. btw, is there a way to delete comments?


chris, November 11, 2001 at 2:01:24 PM CET

most certainly ...

... I prefer hsqldb as well, in general. robert, you being the king de l'antville, could you notify me when you think a new release is in order? hensen, did you have any luck getting in touch with the developers already?


hns, November 11, 2001 at 2:48:32 PM CET


no, i didn't get in touch yet, but it doesn't really have anything to do with luck (or lack thereof ;-)


robert, November 11, 2001 at 4:58:06 PM CET

sure, chris

i will notify you when the new release of antville is finished ... (it's not vapor-ware, it will be finished! ;-)


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