Antville Project

Downloading Antville with WinCVS

Having trouble following the story explaining how to use the CVS because you're on Windows? No problem. Here's what you do:

  1. Get WinCVS. You need a version that supports the 'pserver' authentication method. At the time I'm writing this, 1.2 is the latest 'stable' release, but that one doesn't do pserver. Get the 1.3 beta or something newer.
  2. Install it. If it's missing Python or TCL, ignore the warnings, you don't need that.
  3. Launch it. In the preferences dialog (which may open on its own or hide in the 'Admin' menu), fill in the form in the 'General' tab: Authentication: pserver Path: /opt/cvs/apps Host address: User name: anonymous
  4. Save and close the preferences and choose 'Login...' from the 'Admin' menu.
  5. You will be prompted for a home directory. Choose where you want to have your Antville.
  6. You will be prompted for a password. Leave that empty, just click OK. If everything went well, the cvs server should now tell you that it loves you or something. 'CVS exited normally with code 0' would also be a good response.
  7. Make sure that in the preferences, in the tab 'Globals', the option 'Checkout read-only' is checked.
  8. Now choose 'Checkout module ...' from the 'Create' menu, enter 'antville' as module name and change the folder where you want to have the files if you changed your mind.
  9. Click OK. The files are downloaded and you're done: you have the latest, newest Antville!
  10. What now? Close WinCVS, open the folder you just downloaded and read the readme file you find there.


The Antville Server Fund has been a great success. Thanks to everybody who contributed!
online for 8644 Days
last updated: 1/4/11, 10:22 AM
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February 2025
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