Antville Project


i finished the need_for_speed branch in cvs and merged it with the main branch of antville. Here's a brief summary of what i did:

  • cleaned up code and optimized performance
  • logging (both access-logging and incrementing the read-counter of a story) is now done asynchronously. from now on it can take a minute for new referrers to be stored in database, same with read-counter of stories (but they should be correct now)
  • it's now possible to display an existing weblog on the main frontpage of an antville-installation instead of the more or less static default frontpage. this is done by simply entering the alias of the weblog system configuration.
  • added a new default story-skin called "embed" which will be used by the < story >-macro unless a different skin was chosed using the option "useskin" (see here).
  • Implemented a "rescue"-mechanism to prevent stories/comments from being lost because the creator/modifier was logged out (timed out) or lost the session because of a changed ip-address: users will be redirected to the login-form as usual, but before the contents of the story/comment are saved in the session-object. After a successful login the story/comment will be created automagically.
  • added a permalink for comments in their default-skins.

This version is currently only available in CVS (it's not installed here on!) Please give it a try and report any bugs or strange misbehaviour. If no serious bugs are appearing i would like to propose this version as v1.0 FC, with the final release coming within the next two weeks.


kris, December 1, 2002 at 10:37:12 PM CET

problem: anonymous posting

irene managed to post without username. see


robert, December 2, 2002 at 12:42:54 AM CET


this has nothing to do with my update since i didn't change anything on (just in cvs). i'll have a look at this tomorrow.


Irene, December 2, 2002 at 1:39:59 AM CET

Something else has happened:

When I am logged in (my weblog, or its subscriptions site...), and go offline then, and go online again, and I click refresh - I am not logged in any more. This must be quite new because going offline inbetween is my normal way of using antville.

Probably I have written the anonymous comment on elephäntville offline, not knowing that I have not been logged in any more when going online again.


nex, December 2, 2002 at 9:46:50 AM CET

Re: Something else has happened

so you're using a plain old modem? i'd guess that you have another IP after going offline and online again, and your cookie isn't valid for the new IP, which is in fact quite new.


robert, December 2, 2002 at 11:40:05 AM CET

two different things

first: as nex wrote above, you won't get logged in automatically after going offline if you're using an internet connection with dynamic ip-assignment (aka DHCP). this is because you're getting a different ip-address when logging in again, so all the cookies you got 'til then are invalid.

nevertheless, this shouldn't lead to "anonymous" comments. i had a look in the database, we have six of them (out of ~200.000), the first one happened long before the fix that lead to ip-bound cookies. the funny/distracting fact is that the user that is stored as a creator of a comment is the same user that is checked a few lines of code before if she's allowed to post ... if a user would not be logged in she would get redirected to login-form. the fact that this doesn't happen means that at the beginning of the request the user is logged in, but somehow it is turned to an anonymous account after all the security-checks.

@irene: since you managed to post a second anonymous comment yesterday, could you tell me in detail what you did or try to repeat that and post every single step here? this would be very helpful.


Irene, December 2, 2002 at 3:05:56 PM CET

@ Robert

I have tried to make an anonymous posting here (written offline), but it has not worked. (I was guided to the login, and the comment disappeared.)

I have written the two anonymous comments after going offline (guarantee 95 %), but I cannnot tell you more because I have not done anything else. But I am sure that I have written a lot of comments offline with the same old modem (posted under my login-name Irene) - sometimes I go offline to write a long comment, or I am disturbed while writing, the connection breaks down etc. It always worked - until yesterday.

Go online - login - click comments - go offline - write a comment - go online - post the comment - not logged in any more (so the comment is posted without username). I do not think that something else has happened inbetween.


kris, December 3, 2002 at 1:19:06 PM CET

hint: anonymous posting

it happens only on sites where the comment form is on story.main and not story.comment. i hope this helps. maybey you should simply add an action url to the form.


... comment
kris, December 2, 2002 at 12:25:11 PM CET

No dbpatch?

I noticed changes in in the .sql files but no dbpatch. is this correct?


robert, December 2, 2002 at 1:42:49 PM CET

forgot it

will do it now (the tables themselves haven't changed, just the indexes)

Update: it's in CVS now


kris, December 2, 2002 at 1:54:19 PM CET

the monthly antclick

then i'm going to build it tomorrow. okay?


robert, December 2, 2002 at 1:56:09 PM CET


that would be cool.


... comment
hns, December 2, 2002 at 12:26:46 PM CET

Tres cool!

Did you find a workaround for bug 175?

About the "useskin" option for the story inclusion macro - wouldn't it be more straightforward to just call it "skin"? Or is "useskin" already used in other places and thus constitutes a consistential convention? ;-)

BTW, any news/ideas about bug 154?


robert, December 2, 2002 at 1:34:08 PM CET

Re: Tres cool!

yes, the workaround for bug 175 is to store only the alias of the frontSite in root. and bug 154 is fixed (sorry, i forgot to do that last night): root now has it's own long- and shortdateformat (defineable in setup), and formatTimestamp will use those if there's no site in path.

btw.: to enable the mirrored weblog on the frontpage i had to manually set to the frontSite-weblog. don't know if this is valid usage of the path-array, but it works fine (although path will continue to just list HopObject root when written to response).

"skin" is definetly nicer that "useskin", i'll change that too.

btw.: any ideas how "anonymous" comments can happen? looks to me that during the evaluation of a request session.user gets null ... could use touch() before, but i'm not sure this will solve the problem.


seewolf, December 2, 2002 at 1:45:18 PM CET

only an idea

In the beginning of antville there were some problems with Irene (I - capital) and irene.


robert, December 2, 2002 at 1:58:27 PM CET

thats not the reason

the account lrene (with a lowercase L) is blocked, so posting using this account is impossible anyways.


... comment
hns, December 2, 2002 at 4:22:08 PM CET

Re: update

I've updated to HEAD, runs smoothly. One minor problem: the page to create new weblogs isn't linked anywhere anymore. Same with the manage page(s). Any idea for how to fix this?


... comment

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