Antville Project

Antville mangles valid tags

JohnWalsh discovered a problem: Apparently, Antville converts all angle brackets that are not part of a tag to < and &rt;, but doesn't recognize all tags correctly, thus destroying valid html code.


nex, December 21, 2002 at 4:50:04 PM CET


As I said on help.antville, I've made something that extracts all defined tags from a DTD. This way, we can collect all existing (X)HTML tags for a start, so the bug reported above goes away. In the long run, it would be more elegant to have a seperate list of tags for each DTD and use each one where applicable.


hns, December 21, 2002 at 6:55:03 PM CET

Re: TagsTractor

So what are the results of your program? What tags are missing?


nex, December 23, 2002 at 4:20:55 AM CET

Re: TagsTractor

I haven't collected all available DTDs and run them through the program yet, as I was rather sickish and busyish over the weekend and just did as much as I had promised to do ;-)

First rough results showed that for the transitional and strict XHTML 1.0 DTDs (which define the same tags as HTML 4), there were the tags missing that JohnWalsh reportet, and there were also some strings in the list that aren't really tags.

I'll post more comprehensive information later today, good night... (I can't believe it's over 0400 already...)


hns, December 23, 2002 at 4:24:49 AM CET

Re: TagsTractor

time flies, good night.


... comment
nex, December 23, 2002 at 2:14:40 PM CET

Good morning hns; I even managed to sleep for about two hours tonight!

I analyzed some DTDs now; the result is: HTML 4 transitional defines all there is. XHTML 1.0 defines the same tags in lower case, except for two (who knows which two?) and XHTML 1.1 defines the same again, broken up into individual modules (e.g. text Module, Hypertext Module, Table Module, ...), but no additional tags. The total is 91, which is a little less than the existing list in the Helma source, which apparently includes tags from older HTML versions. I can add these, but do we really want to allow <blink>? (By the way, please at least delete the deprecated IE-only <marquee>, this is disgusting.)

I'm so proud of my little program, so here's my interaction with it:

For batch mode invoke: java tagstractor.Extract

Entering interactive mode.

input file name: xhtml1.0-transitional.dtd

output file name: tags.txt
Found a total of 89 tags so far.

Process another file (y/_n_)? : y

input file name: xhtml1.0-strict.dtd
Found a total of 89 tags so far.

Process another file (y/_n_)? : y

input file name: html4-transitional.dtd
Found a total of 91 tags so far.

Here's a list of what's missing from the Helma source:


You can just add that to the source, I just noticed it isn't in strictly alphabetical order anyway :-) As you can see, my problem solution overkill really paid off, I found 2 (in words: TWO) tags JohnWalsh didn't find :-)


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