Antville Project

missing skins

i've been trying to do something cool with two-level discussions, but i'm lost. apparently, there is no skin to configure the appearance of the page you see when you want to reply to a top-level reply. (follow the link for a german explanation.)

a related problems: ist it hard to add action urls to the comment-forms? if i had, i could simply use forms instead of "comment" links.


hns, March 15, 2002 at 10:41:23 PM CET


sorry but i can't understand what's missing because I don't know what you intend to do (something about second level replies...)

anyway, do you have a solution for the problem, or do you expect us to come up with one? (Remember, we're not the Heilsarmee ;-)

Update: alright, I get it now. Do you think you can fix this yourself, or tell us more precisely what you need to do, e.g. change x in file y?


kris, March 15, 2002 at 10:58:18 PM CET

no idea, yet. erm, wait, action-urls

i've always hated the two level discussion group, so i have no idea whether a skin has been there before the update or not. my first guess was that you removed this skin for simplicity reasons.

i think if you added action-urls to the forms i could use them instead of the comment links. it shouldn't be hard to add the address of the page that is supposed to process the form to the commentform macro.


... comment
kris, March 16, 2002 at 4:15:03 PM CET


is there a macro that returns the url of a comment?


kris, March 16, 2002 at 4:30:37 PM CET


there is, it is comment.url (or story.url for stories), but the don't work or make sense within the comment-form skin. sniff


kris, March 16, 2002 at 4:43:10 PM CET

question 2:

what i would like to have is this html fragment in the comment form: <form action="url of the comment" ...> like is said, comment.url does not work here, but story.url does.

are there macros for the id or the path of a comment? if it worked i could use them instead.


hns, March 16, 2002 at 4:43:28 PM CET

why doesn't it make sense/work?


kris, March 16, 2002 at 5:22:38 PM CET

this.story.href() doesn't work here

[HopMacro error: FESI.Exceptions.EcmaScriptException: Runtime error Conversion to object unsupported by null detected at line 51 of function 'url_macro' in file: '/Users/kris/Helma/apps/antville/comment/macros.js']

i'm not an expert, i have no idea what this means. actually i have no idea whether "this" is a comment or something else. how can i figure this out?

btw: line 52 should be "suffix" instead of "prefix".


kris, March 16, 2002 at 7:07:04 PM CET

auf deutsch.

ich habe gepeilt, warum es nicht geht. der commentform ist nichts anderes als ein neues object von typ comment, auf das das entsprechende template angewendet wird. daher liefert comment.url nur bogus.

hmmm, nur wie komme ich an der stelle an den comment auf den ich antworten will?


oj, March 16, 2002 at 7:12:21 PM CET


langsam bekomme ich einen minderwertigkeitskomplex, weil ich kein wort von den sachen auch nur annähernd verstehe. kris, du bist wahrscheinlich ein genie.

und eine band hast du auch.


kris, March 16, 2002 at 7:24:53 PM CET

wenn ich ein genie waere, wuerde ich nicht fragen.

ich hab 3 jahre lang ganz boeses zeug mit dave winers frontier/manila programmiert. das hier ist zwar ne andere programmiersprache, aber: kennst eine, kennste alle.


oj, March 16, 2002 at 7:35:25 PM CET

die antwort hab ich irgendwie vorausgesehen.

aber ich zum beispiel bin ja so blöd, ich habe solche probleme gar nicht.


kris, March 16, 2002 at 7:38:14 PM CET


will ich doch nur unsere sushi-site schoen haben.


oj, March 16, 2002 at 7:52:04 PM CET

das wird schon.

ich werd jetzt dann mal google anwerfen und ein wenig matrial und inspiration zusammensuchen.


kris, March 16, 2002 at 8:14:54 PM CET


ich hab's geschafft, die url als parent durchzuschmuggeln. keine ahnung, ob das negative konsequenzen hat, wenn ich dem neuem comment einfach den uebergeordneten comment als parent zuweise.


... comment
kris, March 16, 2002 at 10:23:24 PM CET

comment.actionurl macro

here it is. you need to add this to comment/macros.js /**

  • macro renders the actionurl for this comment form */

function actionurl_macro(param) { res.write(param.prefix); if (!this.text) res.write (this._parent.href()+"comment"); else res.write (this.href()+"edit"); res.write(param.suffix); } you also need this to add this line c.setParent(this); to comment/macros.js at line 291, right after function commentform_macro(param) { res.write(param.prefix); if (user.uid) { var c = new comment();

the result is a new macro that i can use in the comment form like <form action="<% this.actionurl %>" method="post">.

i'm not sure if this trick with the parent is smart. i could't figure out how to access it otherwise.

still one tiny problem remains: if no comment text is submitted the user is redirected to the page with the actionurl instead of the previous one.


... comment

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