Antville Project

The "Read More..."-Function

On my personal antville-Wishlist: Couldn't it be like you write a new story and decide what parts are displayed, i.e. the first ten words, after which there is this common "More"-Link to continue reading after having clicked it?


hns, November 15, 2001 at 1:01:46 PM CET

I too like websites that use teasers/shorties to protect the main page and the uninterested. Problem is, this doesn't work very well on an automatic basis. Using the first ten words would lead to a totally unreadable front page, and even taking the first paragraph or some such does not work well enough (because it's the subtleties that count in the business of writing).

So we would have to make this explicit, i.e. introducing a separate shorty/teaser field, which would clutter the interface.

What could work would maybe be to make this optional on two levels: First, only if something was entered into the teaser/shorty field it would be used on the main page, otherwise the normal story text would be displayed. Second, it would be up to the weblog maintainer to display the shorty/teaser field or not - at the skin level by adding or removing the macro for the shorty/teaser textarea, or (much better) by switching on or off a checkbox in the weblog's preferences. Switching story teasers off in the preferences would lead to no teaser textarea being displayed and everything would be as it is now.

What do ya think?


kris, November 15, 2001 at 1:17:04 PM CET

additional fields

it would be great to have some additional fields and the site owner can decide how to use them. i could imagine using them as category or as url or as abstract (teaser). for example, dsr currently has 3 fields - search phrase, url, comment. i wish i had another field for the url of the found page.


hns, November 15, 2001 at 1:29:54 PM CET

That's interesting

Possibly the case for internal XML encoding of the body text with separate editors for different XML elements... (sort of like we do it on, but with separate textareas for separate XML elements).

Just thinking out loud.


kris, November 15, 2001 at 2:13:22 PM CET

not only textareas

i thought about misusing the comment title as voting intrument ("rocks" or "sucks"), i.e. it will not be the title field but some radio buttons in the form and icons or texts in the main view. if i had additional fields i wouldn't ditch the title.

(but then it would be great if there was a smart way or a language to define rules like "each person can only vote once" or "count all votes of the comments associated with a story".)


hns, November 15, 2001 at 2:17:57 PM CET


is most probably a different story (i.e. technically separated). It's definitely an essential groupware feature.


robert, November 15, 2001 at 2:38:26 PM CET

i'm definetly against any technical "production" of teasers (the first few words of a story are not a teaser nor a lead), but i'm sure antville should offer a teaser/lead-textarea (as hns described).

a preference to switch teasers on/off is not really useful imho, because it's the author who should decide whether to write a teaser or not (and if one really needs no teasers and is annoyed by the additional text-area, it's easy to remove the textarea from the edit-skin).

and voting really is a completely different thing, but very nice to have ...


kris, November 15, 2001 at 2:40:41 PM CET

smilies or icons ):^

i just wanted to say that the current two fields could be used for anything, not only title and messagebody. having more fields available leads to new possibilities for expert users. it would be great to have clone-able themes to pass these features to the average user.


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